ASH Errors

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Errors happen. When they do, it helps to have some idea of what what wrong.


Whenever a script runs the abort() function, this error is generated.

The zero-parameter form:


will stop the execution and print: KoLmafia declares world peace. Note that this message may also appear as a result of pressing Esc in the Main Interface or hitting "stop now" in the Adventure tab.

The one-parameter form:

abort("Aborting script...");

will stop the execution and print: Aborting script...


This generally indicates a syntax problem (missing ending semi-colon, unmatched braces, unmatched parenthesis etc...).


int a = 1

will cause this error: Expected ;, found print (test.ash, line 2)

Invalid field name

This indicates that the record does not contain the field in question.


record my_record {
   string a;
   string b;

my_record [int] my_map;
my_map[1].c = "hello";

will cause this error: Invalid field name 'c' (test.ash, line 7)

Main method must appear at top level

This indicates that the script's main method is inside another method, for some reason. This is usually caused by a missing brace.


void stuff() {
   // stuff happens here

void main() {

will cause this error: main method must appear at top level (test.ash, line 6)

Missing return value

The last line of a user-defined function has to be "return <value>;" (although the return command can be used before too).


int my_function( int a, int b ) {	
    if ( a > b ) return a ;
    else return b ;

will cause this error: Missing return value (test.ash, line 4)

Record expected

This indicates that an unrecognized record was found. This often appears when you forget to append "()" to a function name.



will cause this error: Record expected (test.ash, line 2)

Record name is already defined

This indicates that the record name has already been defined, and so cannot be reused. The solution is to change the record name.


record str {
   string a;
   string b;
record str {
   int a;
   int b;

will cause this error: Record name 'str' is already defined (test.ash, line 5)

Reserved word cannot be a record name

This indicates that the record name has already been reserved, and so cannot be used. The solution is to change the record name.


record string {
   string a;
   string b;

will cause this error: Reserved word 'string' cannot be a record name (test.ash, line 1)

Script parsing error

This generally indicates a syntax problem, as in having an excess amount of braces.


 put_shop(0 ,0 ,$item[wolf mask]);
 put_shop(0 ,0 ,$item[rave whistle]);
 put_shop(0 ,0 ,$item[giant needle]);
 cli_execute ("undercut");

will cause this error: Script parsing error (test.ash, line 5)

Variable is already defined

This indicates that the same variable has been declared twice.


int Drops ;
int Meat ;
int Drops = numeric_modifier("Item Drop");

will cause this error: Variable Drops is already defined (test.ash, line 3)

Attention KoLmafia Experts!

We need your help; some details of this function's operation are unknown or unclear.

The following specific question has been raised:

  • Obviously, a lot more info is needed here.