Category talk:Tech Support

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We should brainstorm on how we want this category organized and what should be added. I'm looking into getting into editing / reviewing the source myself, and I'd love clearer help. ;) --StDoodle (#1059825) 22:17, 21 January 2011 (UTC)

Well I suppose it would be awesome if there was a quicky guide to how the KoLmafia source was organized and rundown of the most important segments, like RequestEditorKit. I'm getting the hang of it, but finding stuff is my biggest problem with delving into the code. --Bale 00:18, 27 January 2011 (UTC)

We should probably get two categories (or sub categories) for out-of-the-box mafia tech support (installation, dropbox, etc) and one for "dealing with the source code" if that makes sense. --StDoodle (#1059825) 21:21, 2 February 2011 (UTC)