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Valhalla revamp in r9307
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===Open Beach===
===Open Beach===
<pre style="white-space:pre-wrap;">alias openbeach => ash if(item_amount($item[sweet rims]) < 1 && item_amount($item[bitchin' meatcar]) < 1) hermit(1, $item[sweet rims]); retrieve_item(1, $item[bitchin' meatcar]); if(item_amount($item[Degrassi Knoll shopping list]) < 1) visit_url("guild.php?place=paco"); if(item_amount($item[Degrassi Knoll shopping list]) > 0) use(1, $item[Degrassi Knoll shopping list]); visit_url("guild.php?place=paco"); visit_url("forestvillage.php?place=untinker"); if(in_muscle_sign()) {visit_url("knoll.php?place=smith"); visit_url("forestvillage.php?place=untinker"); cli_execute("untinker bitchin' meatcar");}</pre>
<pre style="white-space:pre-wrap;">alias openbeach => ash if(item_amount($item[sweet rims]) < 1 && item_amount($item[bitchin' meatcar]) < 1) hermit(1, $item[sweet rims]); retrieve_item(1, $item[bitchin' meatcar]); if(item_amount($item[Degrassi Knoll shopping list]) < 1) visit_url("guild.php?place=paco"); if(item_amount($item[Degrassi Knoll shopping list]) > 0) use(1, $item[Degrassi Knoll shopping list]); visit_url("guild.php?place=paco"); visit_url("forestvillage.php?place=untinker"); if(knoll_available()) {visit_url("knoll.php?place=smith"); visit_url("forestvillage.php?place=untinker"); cli_execute("untinker bitchin' meatcar");}</pre>

This opens the beach, getting the rims from the hermit and accounting for the muscle sign correctly.
This opens the beach, getting the rims from the hermit and accounting for the muscle sign correctly.

Revision as of 10:13, 19 May 2011

Creates a new alias in the KoLmafia CLI or displays the list of registered aliases. An alias is a shortcut for complex CLI command(s) that are too long to type every time you want to. To create a new alias, type

alias [alias_name] => [actual_command]

into the CLI, where [alias_name] and [alias_command] are replaced with the shortcut string you want to use and the actual command string. For example, to create an alias "f" for the familiar CLI command, type:

alias f => familiar

Now, instead of typing familiar pixie or familiar sandworm, you can just type f pixie or f sandworm.

To see the list of aliases that you have created so far, type alias into the CLI without any arguments.

Aliases are preserved across multiple characters. You can remove existing aliases by using the unalias command.

Complex Examples

Automatically Getting Dentures

alias dentures => checkpoint; equip frilly skirt; ash visit_url("inv_use.php?which=3&whichitem=2951&pwd"); visit_url("choice.php?whichchoice=188&option=3&choiceform3=Catburgle&pwd"); cli_execute("outfit checkpoint");

This equips a frilly skirt, chooses the right choice in the Orcish Frat House Blueprints adventure, and then re-equips whatever pants you had on when you type dentures into the CLI.

Open Beach

alias openbeach => ash if(item_amount($item[sweet rims]) < 1 && item_amount($item[bitchin' meatcar]) < 1) hermit(1, $item[sweet rims]); retrieve_item(1, $item[bitchin' meatcar]); if(item_amount($item[Degrassi Knoll shopping list]) < 1) visit_url("guild.php?place=paco"); if(item_amount($item[Degrassi Knoll shopping list]) > 0) use(1, $item[Degrassi Knoll shopping list]); visit_url("guild.php?place=paco"); visit_url("forestvillage.php?place=untinker"); if(knoll_available()) {visit_url("knoll.php?place=smith"); visit_url("forestvillage.php?place=untinker"); cli_execute("untinker bitchin' meatcar");}

This opens the beach, getting the rims from the hermit and accounting for the muscle sign correctly.

See How many charges left on Bartender/Chef

alias boxen => ashq if(have_chef()) print("Chef turns used: "+get_property("chefTurnsUsed"),"green"); else print("No chef-in-a-box","gray"); if(have_bartender()) print("Bartender turns used: "+get_property("bartenderTurnsUsed"),"green"); else print("No bartender-in-a-box","gray");

This prints something similar to:

> boxen

Chef turns used: 5
Bartender turns used: 10

See How Many Substats we need to Level

alias level => ashq stat s; switch(my_primestat()){case $stat[muscle]:s=$stat[submuscle];break;case $stat[mysticality]:s=$stat[submysticality];break;case $stat[moxie]:s=$stat[submoxie];break;default: } int s_left =(my_level()^2+4)^2 - my_basestat(s);print("Missing "+s_left+" substat for level "+(my_level()+1));

Prints something similar to:

> level

Missing 2839 substat for level 12

Calling ASH Files

EatDrink Shortcut

alias eatdrinkquick => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; void main(int advmeat, boolean overdrink) { eatdrink(fullness_limit(), inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), overdrink, advmeat, 100, 10, 1000, false); }

This calls EatDrink with a set of defaults, allowing you to have a shortcut for aftercore or other situations where you want to use as much organ as appropriate.