Turns played
Function Syntax
int turns_played()
This function returns the total number of adventures used thus far by the logged-in character during the current ascension.
This exactly duplicates the function my_turncount(). Indications are that it was added as part at attempt to support semirare counters, but nothing ever came of it. Oops. Discussion here.
Code Samples
The following example is a function that saves relevant ascension info into a text file called "Ascension History" located in Data. It should be called after, and only after, the Naughty Sorc was defeated.
void ascension_tracker() {
if (get_property("questL13Final") == "finished") {
string[int] info;
string class2;
if (my_class() == $class[Accordion Thief])
class2 = "an Accordion Thief";
class2 = "a "+my_class()+"";
file_to_map("Ascension History.txt", info);
string ascension_tracker = ""+my_name()+" completed a "+my_turncount()+" adventure ascension in "+my_daycount()+" days as "+class2+" with path "+my_path()+" on "+now_to_string("MM/dd/yyyy")+".";
print(ascension_track, "green");
info [count(info)] = eod_ascension_tracker;
map_to_file(info, "Ascension History.txt", false);
//Insert Code to kill Naughty Sorc, or kill her by hand
//Call ascension_tracker
See Also
When not logged in, this function returns 0.