Function Syntax
- secs is the number of seconds you want to delay further action.
This function will initiate a countdown from secs seconds to 0, during which time nothing else will be acted on. It essentially pauses a script. This is the "quiet" version, which will not print a countdown on the gCLI during the delay.
Minimum wait is 1 second, even if secs is 0.
Code Samples
The example adventures 5 times in the castle top floor. Waits a few seconds between adventures to give time time to read messages. Wait silent is used for easier readability.
int[item] items;
int meat;
buffer fight;
for x from 1 to 5 {
fight = visit_url(to_url($location[The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Top Floor)]));
repeat {
if (contains_text(fight, "choice.php")) { //Check to see if in a choice adventure
cli_execute("choice-goal"); //Clear the choice adventure
fight = visit_url(to_url($location[The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Top Floor)]));
} until (!contains_text(fight, "choice.php"));
fight = run_combat();
if (have_effect($effect[beaten up]) == 0) {
items = extract_items(fight);
meat = extract_meat(fight);
print("You acquired "+meat+" meat, and the following items:", "green");
foreach it, number in items
print(""+number+", "+it, "blue");
else abort("You lost the fight :(");
CLI Equivalent
The CLI command "waitq" functions the same and can be used to pause basic .txt scripts.