Quest Tracking Preferences
KoLMafia internally tracks progress for a number of quests. These are stored as preferences in settings\[charactername]_prefs.
Quests Granted by Familiars
Guild Quests
Quests Granted by Items
Council Quests
questL02Larva tracks the player's progress in the Spooky Forest quest.
- unstarted: quest not yet received
- started: quest received from the Council
- step1: mosquito larva acquired
- finished: mosquito larva returned to the Council
questL03Rat tracks the player's progress in the Typical Tavern quest.
- unstarted: quest not yet received
- started: quest received from the Council
- step1: spoke to Bart Ender in the Typical Tavern
- step2: turned off the Rat Faucet
- finished: told Bart about the Faucet
questL04Bat tracks the player's progress in the Boss Bat quest.
- unstarted: quest not yet received
- started: quest received from the Council
- step1-step3: demolished 1-3 walls in the Bat Hole
- step4: Boss Bat defeated
- finished: returned to the Council to report success
questL05Goblin tracks the player's progress in the The King of Cobb's Knob quest.
- unstarted: quest not yet received
- started: quest received from the Council
- step1: Cobb's Knob map decrypted
- finished: Knob Goblin King defeated
questL06Friar tracks the player's progress in the Friars' quest.
- unstarted: quest not yet received
- started: quest received from the Council
- finished: cleansed the taint
questL07Cyrptic tracks the player's progress in the Undefile the Cyrpt quest.
- unstarted: quest not yet received
- started: quest received from the Council
- finished: Bonerdagon defeated
questL08Trapper tracks the player's progress in the Mt. McLargeHuge Quest.
- unstarted: quest not yet received from the Council
- started: quest received from the Council
- step1: cheese and ore requested by the Trapper
- step2: cheese and ore returned to the Trapper
- step3: discovered the stairs up to the Mist-Shrouded Peak (via either route)
- step4: fought at least one yeti
- step5: defeated the monster at the top of the Peak
- finished: returned the fur to the Trapper (quest complete)
questL08Trapper tracks the player's progress in the Orc Chasm Quest.
- unstarted: quest not yet received from the Council
- started: quest received from the Council
- step1: bridge built
- step2: like, totally got the deets from the Highland Lord
- finished: quest complete
booPeakProgress tracks the hauntedness level of A-boo Peak. A value of 18, for instance, indicates that A-boo Peak is 18% haunted.
Possible values: 0 - 100
chasmBridgeProgress tracks the player's progress in building a bridge across the Orc Chasm. A value of 10, for instance, indicates that the bridge is 10 planks long.
Possible values: 0 - 30
oilPeakProgress tracks the remaining pressure at Oil Peak. It decreases as the player reduces the pressure in the zone.
Possible values: 0.00 - 310.66
- 310.66: Pressure not yet reduced
- 0.00: Subquest completed
twinPeakProgress is a nibble bitmask with least significant bit set for the first choice and the most significant for the fourth. You can parse this with bitwise operators. Here's some code that demonstrates how to use it.
void comma(buffer b, string s) {
if(length(b) > 0)
b.append(", ");
boolean mysterious(int progress, int c) {
return (progress & (1 << c)) == 0;
string twinPeak() {
int p = get_property("twinPeakProgress").to_int();
buffer need;
if(mysterious(p, 0)) need.comma("4 Stench Resistance");
if(mysterious(p, 1)) need.comma("+50% Item Drop");
if(mysterious(p, 2)) need.comma("Jar of Oil");
// Only check for final if first three complete
if(length(need) == 0) {
if(mysterious(p, 3))
return "Need +40% Initiative";
return "Twin Peak Completed";
return "Need " + need;
questL10Garbage tracks the player's progress in the Giant Trash Quest.
- unstarted: quest not yet received from the Council
- started: quest received from the Council
- step2: giant beanstalk grown
- step3 - step6: four Immateria acquired
- step7: S.O.C.K. acquired (Castle Basement open)
- step8: Castle Ground Floor open
- step9: Castle Top Floor open
- step10: chore wheel turned
- finished: returned to the Council
questL11MacGuffin tracks the player's progress in the Holy MacGuffin quest.
- unstarted:
- started: quest received from the Council
- step1: Black Market located (blackForestProgress == 5)
- step2: retrieved your father's MacGuffin diary
- finished: returned the MacGuffin to the Council
questL11Black tracks the player's progress in the Black Market portion of the Holy MacGuffin quest.
- unstarted: quest not yet received
- started: quest received from the Council
- step1: spent at least one turn in the Black Forest
- step2: Black Market found
- step3: forged identification documents purchased
- finished: MacGuffin diary acquired
blackForestProgress tracks the player's progress in discovering the Black Market.
- 0: no progress in exploring the Forest
- 1: blackberry bushes located
- 2: black cottage located
- 3: black mineshaft located
- 4: black church located
- 5: black market located
questL11Manor tracks the player's progress in the Spookyraven Manor portion of the Holy Macguffin quest.
- unstarted: quest not yet received
- started: quest received, by reading your father's MacGuffin diary
- step1: Spookyraven Manor Cellar opened
- step2: recipe: mortar-dissolving solution read
- step3: Suspicious Masonry demolished
- finished: Lord Spookyraven defeated
spookyravenRecipeUsed tracks whether and how the player has read recipe: mortar-dissolving solution
- none: recipe not yet read
- with_glasses: recipe read with Lord Spookyraven's spectacles
- no_glasses: recipe read without the spectacles
Explore the Arid, Extra-Dry Desert to find the pyramid mentioned in your father's journal.
- unstarted:
- started: quest started by reading your father's MacGuffin diary
- finished: discovered the Small Pyramid
- 0: haven't yet started exploring the Desert
- 1-99: Desert exploration in progress
- 100: Desert fully explored
questL11Pyramid tracks the player's progress in the Pyramid portion of the Holy Macguffin quest.
- unstarted: Pyramid not yet discovered
- started: Pyramid discovered
- step1: Middle Chamber opened
- step2: The Lower Chambers opened
- step3: Control Room opened
- finished: MacGuffin retrieved (quest complete)
gnasirProgress is a nibble bitmask with one bit for each possible way you can advance Gnasir's quest. You can parse this with bitwise operators. Here's some code that demonstrates how to use it.
int gnasirProgress = get_property("gnasirProgress").to_int();
buffer gnasir;
if((gnasirProgress & 1) == 0)
print("Gnasir wants a stone rose");
if((gnasirProgress & 2) == 0)
print("Gnasir wants a can of black paint");
if((gnasirProgress & 4) == 0)
print("Gnasir wants a killing jar");
if((gnasirProgress & 8) == 0)
print("Gnasir wants a 15 worm-riding manual page");
if((gnasirProgress & 16) == 0)
print("You need to use a drum machine to ride the worm");
Ron Copperhead
Tracks protesters removed
Shen Copperhead
questL11Palindome tracks the player's progress in the Palindome portion of the Never Odd or Even quest.
- unstarted:
- started: spent at least one turn Inside the Palindome
- step1: arranged the photos in Dr. Awkward's office
- step2: read 2 Love Me, Vol. 2
- step3: met Mr. Alarm in his office (received the wet stunt nut stew quest)
- step4: cooked wet stunt nut stew
- step5: returned the stew to Mr. Alarm
- finished: defeated Dr. Awkward
hiddenApartmentProgress tracks progress through the Hidden Temple portion of the Quest for the Holy MacGuffin.
- unstarted: quest not yet received
- started: quest received, by reading your father's MacGuffin diary
- step1: (Hidden Temple opened?)
- step2: (Nostril of the Serpent acquired?)
- step3: Hidden City uncovered
- step4: four stone spheres acquired
- finished: ancient amulet acquired from the Protector Spectre
- unstarted:
- started: Hidden Office Building opened
- finished: crackling stone sphere acquired
hiddenOfficeProgress tracks progress through the Hidden Office Building during the Quest for the Holy MacGuffin.
Possible values: 0, 1, 6 - 8
- 0: Haven't opened the Hidden Office Building
- 1: Hidden Office Building is open for adventuring
- 6: Encountered the Protector Spirit
- 7: Found the stone sphere
- 8: Placed the stone sphere in the relevant overgrown shrine
- unstarted:
- started: Hidden Apartment Building opened
- finished: moss-covered stone sphere acquired
hiddenApartmentProgress tracks progress through the Hidden Apartment Building during the Quest for the Holy MacGuffin.
Possible values: 0, 1, 6 - 8
- 0: Haven't opened the Hidden Apartment Building
- 1: Hidden Apartment Building is open for adventuring
- 6: Encountered the Protector Spirit
- 7: Found the stone sphere
- 8: Placed the stone sphere in the relevant overgrown shrine
- unstarted:
- started: Hidden Hospital opened
- finished: dripping stone sphere acquired
hiddenHospitalProgress tracks progress through the Hidden Hospital during the Quest for the Holy MacGuffin.
Possible values: 0 - 8
- 0: Haven't opened the Hidden Hospital
- 1: Hidden Hospital is open for adventuring, but haven't bowled.
- 6: Encountered the Protector Spirit
- 7: Found the stone sphere
- 8: Placed the stone sphere in the relevant overgrown shrine
- unstarted:
- started: Hidden Bowling Alley opened
- finished: scorched stone sphere acquired
hiddenBowlingAlleyProgress tracks progress through the Hidden Bowling Alley during the Quest for the Holy MacGuffin.
- 0: Haven't opened the Hidden Bowling Alley
- 1: Hidden Bowling Alley is open for adventuring
- 2-5: Number of times bowled is 1 less than hiddenBowlingAlleyProgress
- 6: Encountered the Protector Spirit
- 7: Found the stone sphere
- 8: Placed the stone sphere in the relevant overgrown shrine
hiddenTavernUnlock tracks whether or not you have unlocked the Hidden Tavern during the Quest for the Holy MacGuffin.
- When the value is equal to your number of ascensions, the Tavern is unlocked
- When the value is any other number, the Tavern is locked
questL12War tracks progress during the Mysterious Island Quest.
- unstarted: quest not yet received from the Council
- started: quest received
- step1: War started
- finished: War ended; boss defeated (quest complete)
Possible values for the progress of the Isle War:
- unstarted: We can still visit the small version of the Mysterious Island
- started: The war is in progress
- finished: The final boss or bosses were defeated
Which side of the Isle War was defeated during the Level 12 quest.
Possible values:
- neither
- hippies
- fratboys
- both
Progress for the Naughty Sorceress Quest.
- unstarted - Lair is closed
- started - Contest booth is available
- step1 - Coronation ceremony
- step2 - Hedge maze
- step3 - Tower door
- step4 - Wall of skin
- step5 - Wall of meat
- step6 - Wall of bone
- step7 - Mirror
- step8 - Your Shadow
- step9 - Naughty Sorceress
- step10 - Prism awaits breaking
- finished - Gash is available
the final quest if you ascend as Actually Ed the Undying where you adventure in The Secret Council Warehouse.
- unstarted
- started
- finished
Current progress in the warehouse is tracked in warehouseProgress.
Miscellaneous Quests
questM10Azazel tracks the player's progress in the Azazel, Ma Belle quest.
- unstarted: quest not yet received
- started: received the quest, from Azazel or the stranger in Moaning Panda Square
- finished: returned Azazel's talismans to him
questM12Pirate tracks the player's progress in the Cap'm Caronch Quest.
- unstarted:
- started: Cap'm Caronch's Map found
- step1: acquired Cap'm Caronch's nasty booty from the booty crab
- step2: received the Orcish Frat House blueprints
- step3: retrieved Cap'm Caronch's dentures from the Frat House
- step4: returned the dentures to the Cap'm and accepted the beer pong challenge
- step5: won a game of beer pong
- step6: acquired pirate fledges
- finished: unlocked Belowdecks
Dakota Fanning's quest to find the Hidden Temple
Lady Spookyraven's Babies
Marty and His Swamp Problems
Hippy Give a Hippy a Boat...
questM20Necklace tracks the player's progress in retrieving Lady Spookyraven's necklace.
- unstarted: quest not yet received
- started: quest received from the telegram
- step1: billiards room key found
- step2: (pool skill increased at least once?)*
- step3: library key found
- step4: necklace found
- finished: necklace returned to Lady Spookyraven (quest complete)
*Needs spading.
questM21Dance tracks the player's progress in the Second Floor portion of the Spookyraven Manor quest.
- unstarted:
- started: quest received, from Lady Spookyraven's ghostly telegram
- step1: spoken to Lady Spookyraven on the Second Floor
- step2: [apparently not used]
- step3: returned Lady Spookyraven's dancing things to her
- finished: danced with Lady Spookyraven in the Ballroom
The Shirt Off His Lack of Back
Helping Make Ends Meat
- unstarted
- started
- step1 - Got a check to the Meatsmith.
- finished - Returned check to the Meatsmith to the Meatsmith.
What's Up, Doc?
- unstarted
- started
- step1 - Collected the Herbs and need to return them to Doc Galaktik
- finished
Sea Quests
When Mom is rescued the Quest is completed
merkinQuestPath indicates which path the player has chosen in the Mer-Kin Deepcity, during the Sea Monkees Quest.
Possible values:
- none: Player has not yet chosen a path
- gladiator: Player will fight Yog-Urt, Elder Goddess of Hatred
- scholar: Player will fight Shub-Jigguwatt, Elder God of Violence
- done: Player has completed the Sea Monkees Quest
Bug Bear Invasion Properties
mothershipProgress tracks progress of level completion in the Bugbear Mothership. It goes from 0 to 3 as that level is cleared.
Possible values: 0-3
All of these work the same way.
- 0-x (integers): insufficient bodata collected)
- open: all biodata collected and zone accessible
- unlocked: biodata collected but zone not yet accessible
- cleared: zone has been cleared
Quests from the Elemental Planes
Spring Break Beach
The Elemental Plane of Sleaze
Jimmy's Quest to collect receipts from the Fun-Guy Mansion.
Taco Dan's Quest to collect receipts from the Fun-Guy Mansion.
Broden's Quest to collect bacteria from the Fun-Guy Mansion.
Jimmy's Quest to collect ingredients from the Sloppy Seconds Diner.
Taco Dan's Quest to collect ingredients from the Sloppy Seconds Diner.
Broden's Quest to collect sprinkles from the Sloppy Seconds Diner.
Jimmy's Quest to collect salt from the Sunken Yacht.
Taco Dan's Quest to collect fish meat from the Sunken Yacht.
Broden's Quest to collect broupons from the Sunken Yacht.
Conspiracy Island
The Elemental Plane of Spooky
Deep Dark Jungle - Out of Order
Deep Dark Jungle - Pungle in the Jungle
Deep Dark Jungle - Everyone's Running Out of Smokes
Mansion of Dr. Weirdeaux - The Big Clipper
Mansion of Dr. Weirdeaux - Serum Sortie
Secret Government Laboratory - Choking on the Rind
Secret Government Laboratory - Fake Medium at Large
Secret Government Laboratory - Gore Tipper