To element
Function Syntax
element to_element(string name )
- name is the element name to convert
Returns the specified element name as an element.
Code Samples
Following example shows basic to_element operations.
foreach it in $strings[hot, colD, slime, SpookY, stench]
print("The string -"+it+"- gives element: "+to_element(it), "blue");
It gives the following output.
The string -hot- gives element: hot The string -colD- gives element: none The string -slime- gives element: slime The string -SpookY- gives element: none The string -stench- gives element: stench
Note that this function is case-sensitive, as with direct casting. Anything besides the following list will return $element[ none ], including strings with extra or missing characters: cold, hot, sleaze, spooky, stench, slime.