Money Making Game
(Redirected from Category:Money Making Game)
The Money Making Game was removed from the game on August 26, 2019 and KoLmafia in r19512
These functions are no longer in the game.
string mmg_bet_owner( int )
string mmg_bet_taker()
string mmg_bet_taker_id()
int mmg_make_bet( int, boolean )
int [int] mmg_my_bets()
int [int] mmg_offered_bets()
boolean mmg_retract_bet( int )
int mmg_take_bet( int, boolean )
void mmg_visit()
Attention KoLmafia Experts!
We need your help; some details of this function's operation are unknown or unclear.
The following specific question has been raised:
- Please correct or note any mistakes I've made (please Veracity :P)
All info on this page taken from here and reworded as I could for standards.