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Revision as of 08:24, 30 May 2015 by imported>Zarqon (Reimplemented "prismatic")
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What is batfactors?

batfactors.txt is a data file used by BatBrain, containing information about all the various factors pertinent to battle. These are saved in a data-entry-friendly format rather than just saving a map of advevents, which would be bulkier and harder to edit. The vast majority of BatBrain's knowledge about items, skills, equipment, monsters, etc. is found in this file. As it is publicly editable on the Map Manager, a guide to understanding the format could be handy for someone looking to either add new content or fix old or previously unspaded content.

The Format

Like all mafia data files, batfactors is a map file, in the following format:

record combat_rec {
   string ufname;          // user-friendly name, not really used by BatBrain
   string dmg;             // damage to monster
   string pdmg;            // damage to player
   string special;         // comma-delimited list of other action results
combat_rec [string, int] factors;

Note that the map has two indices. The first string represents the category. The second index is the integer identifying the relevant item/skill/familiar. For example the "bander" category, which contains information about your Bandersnatch's enhancements to combat skills, is indexed by skill number.

Category Indexed by What?
bander skill number Your Bandersnatch's enhancements to the specified skill.
chef staff item number Jiggle results for the specified chefstaff.
crown familiar number Results for the Crown of Thrones when the specified familiar is enthroned.
effect effect number Average per-round results when you have the specified effect active (e.g. passive damage).
fam familiar number Results for the specified familiar.
gear equipment item number Average per-round results when you have the specified item equipped.
hatrack hat item number Familiar results for your Mad Hatrack when it has the specified hat equipped.
item item number Results for throwing the specified combat item.
monster monster ID Special monster attributes such as resistances, damage caps, and immunities. This category is a bit special (see below).
scare pants item number Familiar results for your Fancypants Scarecrow when it has the specified pants equipped.
skill skill number Results for casting the specified combat skill.

After these important identifiers comes the actual information. The first field, ufname, is merely to make the data file easy to read and isn't really used by BatBrain when reading the file. The remaining three fields contain all the information and need to be formatted in a certain way to be understood, but I believe you'll find that format both intuitive and easy to edit.

Spreads in Batfactors

The dmg and pdmg fields contain damage information, which is converted to a spread (float[element] map) in BatBrain. The format is versatile and can include formulas and any of BatBrain's fvars. Since this value is handled by ASH's modifier_eval(), any of those key letters or text functions will also work. Basically damage is expressed as

amount elements

where amount is the damage formula and elements is a comma (but not space!)-delimited list of elements, using "none" for physical damage or "perfect" for always-correctly-tuned damage. You may also use "prismatic" as shorthand for specifying all five elements. If the action does only physical damage, elements (and the preceding space) may be omitted. If multiple elements are present, the damage in amount will be equally distributed among those elements.

10 deals 10 physical damage
-10 heals 10 hit points
10*L deals 10 times your level in physical damage
myhp/2 deals half of your current hitpoints in physical damage
10 spooky deals 10 spooky damage
10 spooky,hot deals 5 spooky damage and 5 hot damage
10 prismatic deals 2 each of hot, cold, spooky, sleaze, and stench damage

For cases where the damage is not equally distributed among elements, the above pattern may be repeated, separated by a pipe:

3 hot|7 spooky deals 3 hot damage and 7 spooky damage
50 hot,cold|4 hot deals 29 hot damage and 25 cold damage


Of course, events may have many results besides just damage, and that is all contained in the special field. The special field, quite simply, is a comma (and space)-delimited list of keywords and values, like so:

keyword1 value1, keyword2 value2, keyword3 value3

As few as 0 keywords and values may be present. For numeric values such as MP or meat, formulas may be used since (as with the spreads above) these values will be handled by modifier_eval(). Here are all the keywords BatBrain presently understands:

Keyword Meaning of Value
aoe For skills with an area of effect, specifies the maximum number of monsters the skill affects.
att Monster attack modifier.
def Monster defense modifier.
stun Number of rounds the monster is stunned by this action, on average. Defaults to 1 if no value is specified.
mp Amount of MP gained/lost.
meat Amount of meat gained/lost.
item A semicolon+space-delimited list of item names. This action results in one of the items from this list. Estimated profit averages the value of these items.
itemcost An item required and expended by this action. This event uses up one of the specified item, and will be ignored if you lack it.
monster A monster name, or multiple pipe-delimited names. This event only happens for monsters specified here.
notmonster A monster name, or multiple pipe-delimited names. This event happens for any monster except those specified here.
phylum A phylum name. This event only applies to monsters of the specified phylum.
stats Substats earned, formatted as Mus|Mys|Mox.
custom If specified at all, this action is a custom action and should not be used in regular automation. The optional value represents the type of custom action (runaway, yellow, attract, banish, copy, etc).
rate For familiars only (which includes hatrack and scare categories). The action rate of the familiar, expressed as a percent (1.0 = 100%).
!! Note. Usually used to explain something BatBrain is currently unable of knowing or tracking, i.e. unspaded data, ongoing damage, or some other strange mechanic.

Some keywords have no values. BatBrain merely checks for the presence of the keyword to determine the relevant information.

Keyword Presence Indicates
once The action can only be used once per combat.
endscombat The action automatically ends combat.
underwater The action is only valid underwater.
retal The results happen when the monster successfully hits you.
onhit The results happen when you hit the monster with a melee attack.
oncrit The results happen when you get a critical hit.

The "monster" Category

The monster category is handled differently to the other categories. The monster attributes are not loaded into an advevent, so it is not handled by to_event() as all the other categories are. Here are the key differences:

First of all, the integer index is the monster's ID, which is accessible in the $ proxy field. Since some monsters' IDs are unknown, and therefore are listed as 0, batfactors uses an arbitrary negative index for those monsters, checking to_monster(ufname) to find a match against the monster name.

Secondly, the dmg field does not contain damage information, but rather monster resistances/vulnerabilities, still expressed as a spread. For each element, 0 is normal, 1.0 is immunity, and -1.0 is vulnerability. Normal elemental resistances/vulnerabilities are already calculated by BatBrain, and physical resistance, though it can be specified, is accessible in the physical_resistance proxy field, so you only need to include resistance information if the monster has exceptional resistances. These resistances will overwrite the existing resistances on a per-element basis.

The pdmg field is also re-purposed -- for monsters, it specifies the monster's "penetration", also expressed as a spread. For each element, the monster treats your resistance as being lower by the amount of levels specified. Since $element[none] is usually used for physical damage, it is used here to specify DA penetration.

Finally, the special field contains an entirely new set of keywords, which are only for use in the monster category:

Keyword Value/Indicates
seal The monster is a seal and can only be damaged by clubs.
nopotato Potato-type familiars do not work vs. this monster.
nofamiliar Your familiar will not act vs. this monster.
aura X The monster has an aura dealing X player damage (specified as a spread) every round.
retal X Use this to specify retaliation damage (damage dealt to you when you succeed with a melee attack) as a spread.
maxround X Use this to specify combats of unusual durations (e.g. "maxround 50" for basement monsters).
group X Use this to specify group monsters, where X is the amount of monsters in the group (integer).
damagecap X Use this to specify the monster's soft damage cap boundary (integer).
capexp X This is only meaningful with a soft damage cap, and specifies the exponent used to reduce damage above the boundary.
dodge (X) The monster has an X percent chance to dodge melee attacks.
autohit (X) The monster has an X percent chance to automatically hit you (e.g. gremlins).
automiss (X) The monster has an X percent chance to automatically miss you (e.g. crates).
nostagger (X) The monster has an X percent chance to ignore staggers.
nostun (X) The monster has an X percent chance to shrug a multi-round stunner each round.
noitems (X) The monster has an X percent chance of blocking items (e.g. Bonerdagon).
noskills (X) The monster has an X percent chance of blocking skills (e.g. Naughty Sorceress).
delevelres (X) The monster resists X percent of delevel effects.
spellres (X) The monster resists X percent of damage from combat spells.
drpenetration X The monster ignores your first X DR. The Doctor is IN!

Any keyword that expresses a "percent" should be specified as a float between 0 and 1. For any keyword listed with (X) in parentheses, the value is optional and defaults to 1.0.