Split string

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Function Syntax

string [int] split_string(string source )

string [int] split_string(string source ,string delimiter )

  • source is the string to split
  • delimiter is the (optional) regular expression to split with

Returns an array of your source, split by either delimiter or by line-breaks if not supplied.

Code Samples

The following example shows how split string can easily convert comma separated strings into useful data.

string items, numbers, total_string;
int total;
item thing;
string[int] split_map;
numbers = "1, 203, 20002, 450, 194, 92992, 9000, 1";
items = "mae west, asshat, hell ramen, bird, batblade";

split_map = split_string(numbers, ",");
print("You have a total of "+count(split_map)+" numbers.", "blue");
print("They are the following:", "blue");
foreach it in split_map {
total_string = to_string(total, "%,d");
print("Their total is: "+total_string+".", "blue");
split_map = split_string(items, ",");
print("You have a total of "+count(split_map)+" items.", "blue");
print("They are the following:", "blue");
foreach it in split_map {
   thing = to_item(split_map[it]);
   if (thing == $item[none])
      print(split_map[it]+" is not a valid item", "red");

The following example uses KoLMafia's proxy record of an consumable to return the min-max values of the consumable's moxie/muscle/mysticality/adventure gains. Using split string, it finds the average of each gain and returns it in a record.

record item_range {
   float mox;
   float mus;
   float mys;
   float adv;
   item thing;
item_range stats;

item_range item_avg(item consumable) { //Input food/drink/spleen               
   item_range attributes;
   string[int] avgmap;       
   float realavg;
   string range_string;
   attributes.thing = consumable;
   if (consumable.fullness == 0 && consumable.inebriety == 0 && consumable.spleen == 0){
      print(consumable+" is not a valid consumable.", "red");
      return attributes;
   range_string = consumable.moxie;
   avgmap = split_string(range_string, "-");
   if (count(avgmap) == 1)
      attributes.mox = to_int(range_string);
   else {
      foreach it in avgmap
         realavg += to_int(avgmap[it]);
      attributes.mox = (realavg/2);
   realavg = 0;
   range_string = consumable.muscle;
   avgmap = split_string(range_string, "-");
   if (count(avgmap) == 1)
      attributes.mus = to_int(range_string);
   else {
      foreach it in avgmap
         realavg += to_int(avgmap[it]);
      attributes.mus = (realavg/2);
   realavg = 0;
   range_string = consumable.mysticality;
   avgmap = split_string(range_string, "-");
   if (count(avgmap) == 1)
      attributes.mys = to_int(range_string);
   else {
      foreach it in avgmap
         realavg += to_int(avgmap[it]);
      attributes.mys = (realavg/2);
   realavg = 0;
   range_string = consumable.adventures;
   avgmap = split_string(range_string, "-");
   if (count(avgmap) == 1)
      attributes.adv = to_int(range_string);
   else {
      foreach it in avgmap
         realavg += to_int(avgmap[it]);
      attributes.adv = (realavg/2);
   realavg = 0;
return attributes;   

stats = item_avg($item[mae west]);
print("Item "+stats.thing+" is a "+item_type(stats.thing)+" which gives the following averages:", "green");
print("Moxie--"+stats.mox+", Muscle--"+stats.mus+", Mysticality--"+stats.mys+", and Adventures--"+stats.adv+".", "blue");


This function technically returns an array, not a map. The information in both is accessed in the same way. However, you cannot add new key-value pairs to an array (its length is static once set).