Talk:Relay Override Scripting

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Icon's edit reminds me; we should note the difference between regular relay override scripts and the brand-new "relay_" scripts. For the former, it should be noted as BAD PRACTICE to completely ignore the unmodified page (as that could really bork things). But for the latter, it's fairly likely you'll be doing the entire page write from your script.--StDoodle (#1059825) 12:56, 12 April 2010 (UTC)

What would be a good name for those? Scripts with Graphical Interfaces? Relay scripts? --Slyz 08:43, 18 April 2010 (UTC)

My number 1 priority on that would be search behavior. Ideally, whatever someone would type into search should show this page in its results. Currently, using the full thread title of jh's original thread on the subject does so, so I'm okay with it as-is. However, be careful of editing the first line under that section, as I had to tinker with it to get it to work. Suggestions welcome. --StDoodle (#1059825) 15:57, 18 April 2010 (UTC)