User talk:PhilmASTErpLus

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"aggregate" and "map" are NOT synonyms. "aggregate" is an abstract type; the three concrete implementations of that type are maps, arrays, and plural typed constants (which require a separate implementation because they need to be immutable). --Jasonharper 04:36, 22 June 2010 (UTC)

Uh-huh. Sorry about that editing rampage, should I go and revert them? Or how about alternatives? --PhilmASTErpLus 04:39, 22 June 2010 (UTC)

I was not aware of this either; we'll need to see where that means we need to make changes. --StDoodle (#1059825) 05:07, 22 June 2010 (UTC)

Regarding your recent user page update -- the ideal place to put such information, I think, is probably file_to_map. Also, there should probably be a little blurb on that page mentioning that you don't need those files in your data directory (they're built into the jars), but having them present will override the built-in mapfiles. --Heeheehee 23:58, 1 July 2010 (UTC)

Browsing through the function pages, I found this: to_string() (see the source for template details) --Heeheehee 19:03, 4 July 2010 (UTC)

ASH For Beginners

Edit by JasonHarper moved to Talk:ASH For Beginners

ASH Quirks and Hacks

I like the ASH Quirks and Hacks section on your page. I did not know that stuff and I thought that I knew a good bit about ash. I feel that should definitely be added to some page on the wiki or given it's own page though I'm not sure where it would be best to add it. --Bale 05:19, 13 September 2010 (UTC)


For some reason, I was under the impression that there weren't adequate styles for h4 level headings, which is why I redid that page as I did (also, it was a last-minute hectic change to provide info to a specific user). I would prefer if page titles were done differently on the wiki, such that they weren't headings. However, that's an unreasonable level of customization, so you're right, we should avoid h1 (except if we need to do special overrides of page titles) and go from there. We should probably agree on & post this in a guideline / help page somewhere, but for reference, it's very important not to "skip" levels. If we find that h2 also looks bad, that should be dealt with by altering the stylesheets for the wiki, not by avoiding that level of heading. Good catch. --StDoodle (#1059825) 01:43, 28 September 2010 (UTC)