Your Character

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Part 1 - Your character

The Basics

We’ll start with a long look in the mirror. Here’s how to tell about you.

string my_name()
Returns your character’s name.

class my_class()
Returns your class.
Sample: Seltzer

int my_level()
Returns your level
Sample: Battlefield_gather

int my_adventures()
Returns the number of adventures that you have remaining today.

int my_turncount()
Returns the number of adventures you have had in this ascension.

int my_inebriety()
int inebriety_limit()

Returns how drunk you are and the limit at which you must stop adventuring

boolean can_eat()
boolean can_drink()
boolean can_interact()
boolean in_hardcore()

Tells you about your limitations due to ronin, hardcore, or voluntary dietary restrictions

Your Familiar

A bit of information about your pet can be helpfull too.

familiar my_familiar()
Returns the familiar you are carrying now

int familiar_weight( familiar pet )
int familiar_weight_adjustment()

Returns the raw weight of the specified familiar, and the difference between the raw and currently buffed weight of your equipped familiar.

Basic Stats

stat my_primestat()
Returns the stat associated with your class.

zodiac my_zodiac()
boolean in_moxie_sign()
boolean in_muscle_sign()
boolean in_mysticality_sign()

Returns your ascension sign and whether it is associated with a specific stat zone.

int my_hp()
int my_mp()
int my_maxhp()
int my_maxmp()

Returns your current and highest available HP and MP levels

int my_basestat( stat st )
int my_buffedstat( stat st )

Returns your base and buffed values in the given stat

int current_mind_control_level()
boolean mind_control (int level)

Returns or sets the level of the Super-Secret Canadian Mind-Control Device

stat stat_bonus_today()
stat stat_bonus_tomorrow()

Returns the stat that is benefitted by the moon phases today or tomorrow. If it is an “ordinary” day, the return value is $stat[none].

More Advanced Stats

stat current_hit_stat()
int buffed_hit_stat()

Returns the stat that is currently used to calculate hit percentages and the buffed value of that stat.

int raw_damage_absorption()
float damage_absorption_percent()
int damage_reduction()

Returns the total DA of all of your gear and effects, the percentage of damage that is blocked by it, and the further damage that is deducted because of DR effects.

float elemental_resistance( element elem )
float cold_resistance()
float hot_resistance()
float sleaze_resistance()
float spooky_resistance()
float stench_resistance()

Returns the percentage of damage reduction from the indicated elemental damage.

int combat_percent_modifier()
int initiative_modifier()
int fixed_experience_bonus()
int meat_drop_modifier()
int item_drop_modifier()

Returns the adjustments to your percentage of combat adventures, your chances of winning inititative in battle, the amount of bonus experience you receive, and the amount of meat and percentage of item drops from successful combat.

int monster_level_adjustment()
Returns your degree to which you have effected the monster level (including the MCD).