Help:To Do List
"To Do" List
This is a list of stuff that is missing from the wiki or else needs major work. Please help!
If you need tips for editing the wiki, find that here: Help:Editing.
- CLI Commands are usually only added to the CLI Reference. Only very complicated commands require their own page.
- ASH commands need to be listed on their category page as well as on the Ash Functions list.
- It is not necessary to always create a code sample, although it is preferred.
- If you don't add a code sample, please remember to add needscode=yes| to the page.
Missing Stuff
9700: Add the "neweffect" CLI command. When provided with an effect description ID, it will add the effect to EffectDatabase, which allows to create an override with the new effect.
r9868: New functions.
phylum monster_phylum() phylum monster_phylum( monster )
r9982: Add the following ASH functions to remove items from your mall store
boolean take_shop( item it ) boolean take_shop( item it, boolean takeAll ) where takeAll defaults to true in the one-parameter version. If takeAll is false, only one of the specified item will be removed.
r9982: Add the shop CLI command, to add or remove items from your mall store.
r10003: Further Trendy support
boolean is_trendy( item ) boolean is_trendy( familiar ) boolean is_trendy( skill ) (note that bookshelf skills get translated in KoL's "Bookshelf" category to determine this) boolean is_trendy( string thing) (a catch-all; verifies that the random string is not untrendy in any of the various possible categories. This is the only way to check a Campground item, at the moment
Needs Major Work
Proxy Records is only slightly better than a placeholder.
Needs Code Samples
There is a list of all pages that require code samples: Category:Needs Code Sample
Information on how to create a code sample: Template:CodeSample