Help:To Do List
"To Do" List
This is a list of stuff that is missing from the wiki or else needs major work. Please help!
If you need tips for editing the wiki, find that here: Help:Editing.
- CLI Commands are usually only added to the CLI Reference. Only very complicated commands require their own page.
- ASH commands need to be listed on their category page as well as on the Ash Functions list.
- It is not necessary to always create a code sample, although it is preferred.
- If you don't add a code sample, please remember to add needscode=yes| to the page.
Missing Stuff
r10025: Added "choice" CLI command, to resolve manual or unsupported choiceadventures Added "choice" CLI command, to resolve manual or unsupported choice adventures without having to visit the relay browser - which might be inconvenient if you're already in the CLI, and don't need to see the full adventure text to decide which option you want. With no parameter, "choice" just lists the options. With a numeric parameter, it picks that option. With any other parameter, it picks the first option containing that text (in either the actual button text, or mafia's spoiler text).
r10025: "trigger" is now a full-line command, since the action parameter can reasonably contain semicolons.
r10033: a new command 'graygui' (or 'greygui' if you prefer that spelling) has been added to the CLI, which will print out all the entry points for all the stuff that still has a known open request sequence.
Needs Major Work
Proxy Records is only slightly better than a placeholder.
Needs Code Samples
There is a list of all pages that require code samples: Category:Needs Code Sample
Information on how to create a code sample: Template:CodeSample