Part 3 - Equipment
Time to get dressed!
boolean equip( item it ) Puts on the specified item in the “natural” slot. For example, it won’t equip a weapon to the off-hand and it will only put a accessory into an empty slot.
boolean unequip( item it ) Takes off one of the specified item.
boolean equip_slot( slot sl, item it ) boolean unequip_slot( slot sl ) Equipment management that targets a specific slot.
slot item_to_slot( item it ) Returns the natural slot for the item, if it is equippable.
item current_equipment( slot sl ) Returns the item currently equipped in the given slot. Sample:Battlefield_gather
boolean have_equipped( item it ) Tells you if the specified item is currently equipped (as it would not otherwise show up in item_amount()).
boolean can_equip( item it ) Tells you if you meet the requirements to equip the given item (regardless of whether you own it).
string weapon_type( item ) Returns a string indicating the type of weapon which was passed as a parameter.
int weapon_hands( item it ) Tells you if a weapon will keep you from using your off-hand slot. Even if a weapon is described as being 3-handed, this function will return 2. Sample:Battlefield_gather
boolean ranged_weapon( item it ) Tells you if a weapon’s chance of hitting the opponent is based on your Moxie instead of your Muscle.
boolean have_familiar( familiar pet ) Tells you if you have placed the specified familiar in your Terrarium (or have it equipped now).
boolean equip_familiar( familiar pet ) Takes the specified familiar out of your Terrarium. Use equip() and unequip() to manage your familiar’s gear.
item familiar_equipment( familiar pet ) Returns the most common piece of equipment that is specially designed for the familiar’s type. If you want to find out what item is being equipped by your familiar of a specific species, then you would need to take that familiar out of the Terrarium with equip_familiar() and then check current_equipment( $slot[ familiar ]).
boolean have_outfit( string outfit_name ) Lets you know if you could wear a specified outfit right now, either an in-game or a custom outfit. A false result means either that you are missing one or more pieces of the outfit or that your stats are not high enough to equip all of the pieces. Sample:Seltzer
boolean outfit( string outfit_name ) Wears the specified outfit. Sample:Battlefield_gather