Help:To Do List
"To Do" List
This is a list of stuff that is missing from the wiki or else needs major work. Please help!
If you need tips for editing the wiki, find that here: Help:Editing.
- CLI Commands are usually only added to the CLI Reference. Only very complicated commands require their own page.
- ASH commands need to be listed on their category page as well as on the Ash Functions list.
- It is not necessary to always create a code sample, although it is preferred.
- If you don't add a code sample, please remember to add needscode=yes| to the page.
Missing Stuff
r9181, 9183, 9184 & r9190: moods per slyz's summary here:
r11707: Experimental ASH feature: the main() function of imported scripts can now be invoked, under the alternate name main@filename() (where 'filename' can be overridden by a 'script' directive, any ".ash" suffix is dropped, and non-alphanumeric characters are replaced by underscores). Note that no spaces are allowed around the @, the whole thing is a single token.
r12060: add ASH get_moods(), returns an aggregate of currently defined mood names. "mood listall" in the gCLI will also print a list of defined moods.
r12062: add ASH get_outfits() and get_custom_outfits()
r12105: maximizerMRULength is now maximizerMRUSize That affects this page: Hidden_Features#Most_Recently_Used_Modifier_Maximizer_Expression
r12238: Add _floristPlantsUsed as a comma-separated list and florist_available(). Add "florist plant [plantname]" to add a plant. [plantname] is case-insensitive, but otherwise must exactly match KoL's name for the plant. Check what is currently planted when you log in.
r12244: Add string [location][int] get_florist_plants() example 1... foreach loc, counter, plant in get_florist_plants() { print( "Location '" + loc + "'" ); print( "Counter '" + counter + "'" ); print( "Plant '" + plant + "'" ); } example 2... string [location][int] plants = get_florist_plants(); foreach loc in plants { print( "Location '" + loc + "'" ); string [int] array = plants[ loc ]; foreach index in array { string plant = array[index]; if ( plant != "" ) print( "Plant = " + plant ); } }
12657: Add "cache clear" command to remove all cached images from /images 12659: New setting - lastImageCacheClear - records the time when you last cleared the image cache. "cache" command with no arguments reports that time.
13213: Add "debug ash on" and "debug ash off" to turn on and off ASH script tracing ASH tracing goes into ASH_datestamp.txt
13222: Add preference banishedMonsters to track banishes. Add ash command is_banished($monsterName[name])
13988: Start tracking elemental planes quests, Hidden Temple quest, Spookyraven Babies quest, from quest log. questESlAudit questESlBacteria questESlCheeseburger questESlCocktail questESlDebt questESlFish questESlMushStash questESlSalt questESlSprinkles questM16Temple questM17Babies
r14729: add fixedThreadPoolSize pref - diagnostic/fine tuning for limiting the threadpool size.
Needs Major Work
Proxy Records is only slightly better than a placeholder.
In r10047, the adventure tab interface was altered. Fix SinginSally's guide on pages...
Information on moods calling other moods:
Needs Code Samples
There is a list of all pages that require code samples: Category:Needs Code Sample
Information on how to create a code sample: Template:CodeSample