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Breakfast is defined as Mafia doing the repetitive stuff that you want to do every day, automatically.

1) Bring up the Preferences as before under main menubar, General, Preferences.

2) Click the Breakfast tab.

3) The first thing you see are options to execute scripts during login or logout. We will skip this, but note that it gives you the ability to automate a lot of stuff. For example, say you want to switch your gear to equipment that boosts your adventures per day, then drink a final cocktail. You could use the On Logout script to do so. In our scripting tutorial we will create such a logout script.

4) You will see two seperate sections for both Ronin-clear characters and in-ronin ones. For the most part, I'd expect you to have both of them exactly the same... EXCEPT to enable 'honor path restrictions' during the ronin period.

5) I would recommend you click all of the applicable available checkboxes. You might not want to get hermit clovers though if you are more advanced. This command buys hermit permits if needed, then visits the Hermit, gets clovers, then uses them to make them Disassembled Clovers if you have worthless trinkets with which to use them. It will NOT spend your adventures fishing around in the sewer for Worthless trinkets though.

6) You probably want to turn off Enable Auto-Recovery. I assume that even if enabled, it would follow the constraints under HP/MP recovery, discussed in a previous lesson. I'd keep it off just in case.

7) Finally, kill Mafia and restart. Check the Breakfast option. From now on, it will take care of a bunch of stuff automatically. For example, who remembers to use their Manual of Dexterity (depending on class) every day? Or pick the clan meat bush, play the stuffed game, etc. NOTE: Breakfast does NOT use the clan Chips machine! This might be a good candidate for a login script if your clan has such a machine.

8) Tab over to the Graphical CLI to see exactly what all it did during breakfast.

BOTTOM LINE: Breakfast is a great way to automatically accomplish a bunch of stuff when you login.