Difference between revisions of "KoLmafia Properties"

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This is a list of all the Property variables included in KoLmafia. It was automatically generated from r7582. Note that, however, the latest (and most up-to-date) data is located in Mafia's internally-stored datafile defaults.txt (available for viewing at https://kolmafia.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/kolmafia/src/data/defaults.txt).
==Global Variables==
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!  Variable Name
!  Default Value
!  Notes
|  addChatCommandLine
|  false
|  addCreationQueue
|  true
|  addStatusBarToFrames
|  false
|  allowCloseableDesktopTabs
|  false
|  allowNegativeTally
|  true
|  allowNonMoodBurning
|  true
|  alwaysGetBreakfast
|  false
|  autoLogin
|  allowSocketTimeout
|  true
|  autoHighlightOnFocus
|  true
|  autoPlantHardcore
|  false
|  autoPlantSoftcore
|  false
|  autoSatisfyWithCloset
|  true
|  autoSatisfyWithMall
|  true
|  autoSatisfyWithNPCs
|  true
|  autoSatisfyWithStash
|  false
|  breakfastHardcore
|  Advanced Saucecrafting,Pastamastery,Advanced Cocktailcrafting
|  breakfastSoftcore
|  Advanced Saucecrafting,Pastamastery,Advanced Cocktailcrafting
|  browserBookmarks
|  cacheMallSearches
|  false
|  charsheetDropdown
|  1
|  chatFontSize
|  chatLinksUseRelay
|  false
|  chatStyle
|  0
|  cloverProtectActive
|  true
|  combatHotkey0
|  combatHotkey1
|  combatHotkey2
|  combatHotkey3
|  combatHotkey4
|  combatHotkey5
|  combatHotkey6
|  combatHotkey7
|  combatHotkey8
|  combatHotkey9
|  commandLineNamespace
|  connectViaAddress
|  false
|  cookies.inventory
|  copyAsHTML
|  false
|  createHackerSummons
|  true
|  customizedTabs
|  false
|  debugPathnames
|  true
|  defaultBorderColor
|  blue
|  defaultDropdown1
|  0
|  defaultDropdown2
|  1
|  defaultDropdownSplit
|  0
|  defaultLimit
|  5
|  defaultLoginServer
|  1
|  displayName
|  eSoluScriptType
|  0
|  getBreakfast
|  grabCloversHardcore
|  false
|  grabCloversSoftcore
|  true
|  greenScreenProtection
|  false
|  grimoireSkillsHardcore
|  none
|  grimoireSkillsSoftcore
|  Summon Hilarious Objects
|  guiUsesOneWindow
|  false
|  hideServerDebugText
|  false
|  highlightList
|  http.proxyHost
|  http.proxyPassword
|  http.proxyPort
|  http.proxyUser
|  initialDesktop
|  AdventureFrame,CommandDisplayFrame,MallSearchFrame,GearChangeFrame,SkillBuffFrame
|  initialFrames
|  RecentEventsFrame
|  innerChatColor
|  #ffa98c
|  innerTabColor
|  #8ca9ff
|  itemManagerIndex
|  0
|  lastBuffRequestType
|  0
|  lastRelayUpdate
|  lastRssUpdate
|  0
|  lastRssVersion
|  lastUserAgent
|  lastUsername
|  libramSkillsHardcore
|  none
|  libramSkillsSoftcore
|  none
|  logAcquiredItems
|  true
|  logBattleAction
|  true
|  logBrowserInteractions
|  false
|  logChatMessages
|  true
|  logDecoratedResponses
|  false
|  logFamiliarActions
|  false
|  logGainMessages
|  true
|  logReadableHTML
|  false
|  loginRecoveryHardcore
|  false
|  loginRecoverySoftcore
|  true
|  loginScript
|  loginServerName
|  loginWindowLogo
|  lantern.jpg
|  logMonsterHealth
|  false
|  logoutScript
|  logReverseOrder
|  false
|  logStatGains
|  true
|  logStatusEffects
|  false
|  logStatusOnLogin
|  false
|  mementoListActive
|  false
|  mergeHobopolisChat
|  false
|  outerChatColor
|  #b4460f
|  outerTabColor
|  #0f46b4
|  pathedSummonsHardcore
|  true
|  pathedSummonsSoftcore
|  false
|  preferredWebBrowser
|  previousNotifyList
|  <>
|  previousUpdateVersion
|  protectAgainstOverdrink
|  true
|  proxySet
|  false
|  readManualHardcore
|  true
|  readManualSoftcore
|  true
|  relayAddsCustomCombat
|  true
|  relayAddsGraphicalCLI
|  false
|  relayAddsKoLSimulator
|  false
|  relayAddsQuickScripts
|  false
|  relayAddsRestoreLinks
|  true
|  relayAddsRoundNumber
|  false
|  relayAddsUpArrowLinks
|  true
|  relayAddsUseLinks
|  true
|  relayAddsWikiLinks
|  false
|  relayAllowsOverrides
|  false
|  relayBrowserOnly
|  false
|  relayBrowserOnly
|  false
|  relayFormatsChatText
|  true
|  relayHidesJunkMallItems
|  true
|  relayMaintainsEffects
|  false
|  relayMaintainsHealth
|  true
|  relayMaintainsMana
|  false
|  relayTextualizesEffects
|  false
|  relayTrimsZapList
|  true
|  relayUsesCachedImages
|  false
|  relayUsesInlineLinks
|  false
|  relayUsesIntegratedChat
|  false
|  relayViewsCustomItems
|  false
|  removeMalignantEffects
|  true
|  saveSettingsOnSet
|  true
|  saveState
|  saveStateActive
|  scriptButtonPosition
|  0
|  scriptList
|  restore hp | restore mp
|  showAllRequests
|  false
|  stealthLogin
|  true
|  swingLookAndFeel
|  switchEquipmentForBuffs
|  true
|  tomeSkillsHardcore
|  Summon Snowcone
|  tomeSkillsSoftcore
|  Summon Snowcone
|  toolbarPosition
|  1
|  useChatMonitor
|  false
|  useChatToolbar
|  true
|  useContactsFrame
|  true
|  useCrimboToysHardcore
|  false
|  useCrimboToysSoftcore
|  true
|  useDecoratedTabs
|  useLastUserAgent
|  false
|  useSeparateChannels
|  true
|  useShinyTabbedChat
|  true
|  useSystemTrayIcon
|  false
|  useTabbedChatFrame
|  true
|  useToolbars
|  true
|  useZoneComboBox
|  false
|  userAgent
|  visitLoungeHardcore
|  true
|  visitLoungeSoftcore
|  true
|  visitRumpusHardcore
|  true
|  visitRumpusSoftcore
|  true
==Per-Account Variables==
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!  Variable Name
!  Default Value
!  Notes
|  autoAbortThreshold
|  -0.05
|  autoAntidote
|  0
|  autoBuyPriceLimit
|  20000
|  autoEntangle
|  false
|  autoManaRestore
|  true
|  autoOlfact
|  autoPotionID
|  false
|  autoPutty
|  autoRepairBoxServants
|  true
|  autoSphereID
|  false
|  autoSteal
|  true
|  autostartGalaktikQuest
|  true
|  availableDimes
|  0
|  availableLucre
|  0
|  availableQuarters
|  0
|  availableSandDollars
|  0
|  barrelGoal
|  1
|  barrelLayout
|  ?????????
|  basementMallPrices
|  1
|  battleAction
|  attack with weapon
|  betweenBattleScript
|  birdformCold
|  0
|  birdformHot
|  0
|  birdformRoc
|  0
|  birdformSleaze
|  0
|  birdformSpooky
|  0
|  birdformStench
|  0
|  blackPuddingsDefeated
|  0
|  breakfastCompleted
|  false
|  buffBotCasting
|  buffBotMessageDisposal
|  0
|  buffBotPhilanthropyType
|  1
|  burrowgrubHiveUsed
|  false
|  burrowgrubSummonsRemaining
|  0
|  buyScript
|  cameraMonster
|  cellarLayout
|  0
|  chatbotScript
|  chatbotScriptExecuted
|  false
|  chosenTrip
|  clanAttacksEnabled
|  false
|  cocktailSummons
|  0
|  concertVisited
|  false
|  currentBountyItem
|  0
|  currentFullness
|  0
|  currentHippyStore
|  none
|  currentJunkyardTool
|  currentJunkyardLocation
|  currentMojoFilters
|  0
|  currentMood
|  default
|  currentNunneryMeat
|  0
|  currentPvpVictories
|  currentSpleenUse
|  0
|  currentWheelPosition
|  muscle
|  customCombatScript
|  default
|  dailyDungeonDone
|  false
|  defaultAutoAttack
|  0
|  defaultFlowerLossMessage
|  defaultFlowerWinMessage
|  demonName1
|  demonName2
|  demonName3
|  demonName4
|  demonName5
|  demonName6
|  Tatter
|  demonName7
|  Ak'gyxoth
|  demonSummoned
|  false
|  expressCardUsed
|  false
|  extraRolloverAdventures
|  0
|  flyeredML
|  0
|  fratboysDefeated
|  0
|  friarsBlessingReceived
|  false
|  gongPath
|  0
|  gourdItemCount
|  5
|  grimoire1Summons
|  0
|  grimoire2Summons
|  0
|  guyMadeOfBeesCount
|  0
|  guyMadeOfBeesDefeated
|  false
|  hiddenCityLayout
|  0000000000000000000000000
|  hiddenCitySquare
|  0
|  hippiesDefeated
|  0
|  hpAutoRecovery
|  -0.05
|  hpAutoRecoveryItems
|  cannelloni cocoon;scroll of drastic healing;tongue of the walrus;lasagna bandages;doc galaktik's ailment ointment
|  hpAutoRecoveryTarget
|  1.0
|  invalidBuffMessage
|  You sent an amount which does not correspond to a valid buff amount.
|  kingLiberated
|  false
|  knownAscensions
|  -1
|  lastAdventure
|  lastBarrelSmashed
|  0
|  lastBangPotion819
|  lastBangPotion820
|  lastBangPotion821
|  lastBangPotion822
|  lastBangPotion823
|  lastBangPotion824
|  lastBangPotion825
|  lastBangPotion826
|  lastBangPotion827
|  lastBangPotionReset
|  -1
|  lastBarrelSmashed
|  0
|  lastBattlefieldReset
|  -1
|  lastBreakfast
|  -1
|  lastCellarReset
|  -1
|  lastCouncilVisit
|  0
|  lastCounterDay
|  -1
|  lastDustyBottle2271
|  lastDustyBottle2272
|  lastDustyBottle2273
|  lastDustyBottle2274
|  lastDustyBottle2275
|  lastDustyBottle2276
|  lastDustyBottleReset
|  -1
|  lastDwarfDiceRolls
|  lastDwarfDigitRunes
|  -------
|  lastDwarfEquipmentRunes
|  lastDwarfFactoryItem118
|  lastDwarfFactoryItem119
|  lastDwarfFactoryItem120
|  lastDwarfFactoryItem360
|  lastDwarfFactoryItem361
|  lastDwarfFactoryItem362
|  lastDwarfFactoryItem363
|  lastDwarfFactoryItem364
|  lastDwarfFactoryItem365
|  lastDwarfFactoryItem910
|  lastDwarfFactoryItem3199
|  lastDwarfOfficeItem3208
|  lastDwarfOfficeItem3209
|  lastDwarfOfficeItem3210
|  lastDwarfOfficeItem3211
|  lastDwarfOfficeItem3212
|  lastDwarfOfficeItem3213
|  lastDwarfOfficeItem3214
|  lastDwarfOreRunes
|  lastDwarfFactoryReset
|  -1
|  lastDwarfHopper1
|  lastDwarfHopper2
|  lastDwarfHopper3
|  lastDwarfHopper4
|  lastEVHelmetValue
|  0
|  lastEVHelmetReset
|  -1
|  lastEmptiedStorage
|  -1
|  lastFilthClearance
|  -1
|  lastGalleryUnlock
|  -1
|  lastGuildStoreOpen
|  -1
|  lastGuyMadeOfBeesReset
|  -1
|  lastHiddenCityAscension
|  0
|  lastFratboyCall
|  -1
|  lastHippyCall
|  -1
|  lastKingLiberation
|  -1
|  lastLouvreMap
|  0
|  lastMessageId
|  lastMiningReset
|  -1
|  lastPaperStripReset
|  -1
|  lastPaperStrip3144
|  lastPaperStrip4138
|  lastPaperStrip4139
|  lastPaperStrip4140
|  lastPaperStrip4141
|  lastPaperStrip4142
|  lastPaperStrip4143
|  lastPaperStrip4144
|  lastPastamancerGhostReset
|  -1
|  lastPirateEphemera
|  lastPirateEphemeraReset
|  -1
|  lastPirateInsult1
|  false
|  lastPirateInsult2
|  false
|  lastPirateInsult3
|  false
|  lastPirateInsult4
|  false
|  lastPirateInsult5
|  false
|  lastPirateInsult6
|  false
|  lastPirateInsult7
|  false
|  lastPirateInsult8
|  false
|  lastPirateInsultReset
|  -1
|  lastPyramidReset
|  -1
|  lastQuartetAscension
|  -1
|  lastQuartetRequest
|  0
|  lastSecondFloorUnlock
|  -1
|  lastSemirareReset
|  -1
|  lastStoneSphere2174
|  lastStoneSphere2175
|  lastStoneSphere2176
|  lastStoneSphere2177
|  lastStoneSphereReset
|  -1
|  lastTavernAscension
|  0
|  lastTavernSquare
|  0
|  lastTelescopeReset
|  -1
|  lastTowerClimb
|  -1
|  lastVioletFogMap
|  0
|  lastZapperWand
|  0
|  libramSummons
|  0
|  libraryCardUsed
|  false
|  louvreDesiredGoal
|  7
|  louvreGoal
|  0
|  louvreLayout
|  louvreOverride
|  luckySewerAdventure
|  stolen accordion
|  manaBurnSummonThreshold
|  10
|  manaBurningThreshold
|  -0.05
|  mineLayout1
|  mineLayout2
|  mineLayout3
|  moleTunnelLevel
|  0
|  mpAutoRecovery
|  0.0
|  mpAutoRecoveryItems
|  phonics down;knob goblin superseltzer;mountain stream soda;magical mystery juice;knob goblin seltzer;cherry cloaca cola;soda water
|  mpAutoRecoveryTarget
|  0.3
|  munchiesPillsUsed
|  0
|  noodleSummons
|  0
|  nunsVisits
|  0
|  oceanAction
|  savecontinue
|  oceanDestination
|  manual
|  olfactedMonster
|  unknown
|  oscusSodaUsed
|  false
|  outrageousSombreroUsed
|  false
|  pastamancerGhostExperience
|  0
|  pastamancerGhostName
|  pastamancerGhostSummons
|  0
|  pastamancerGhostType
|  plantingDate
|  plantingDay
|  -1
|  plantingLength
|  plantingScript
|  postAscensionScript
|  preAscensionScript
|  preBlackbirdFamiliar
|  prismaticSummons
|  0
|  pyramidPosition
|  0
|  pyramidBombUsed
|  false
|  rageGlandVented
|  false
|  reagentSummons
|  0
|  recentLocations
|  5
|  recoveryScript
|  relayCounters
|  requireBoxServants
|  false
|  requireSewerTestItems
|  false
|  retrieveContacts
|  true
|  seaodesFound
|  0
|  semirareCounter
|  0
|  semirareLocation
|  serverAddsCustomCombat
|  false
|  setAutoAttack
|  true
|  showGainsPerUnit
|  false
|  sideDefeated
|  neither
|  sidequestArenaCompleted
|  none
|  sidequestFarmCompleted
|  none
|  sidequestJunkyardCompleted
|  none
|  sidequestLighthouseCompleted
|  none
|  sidequestNunsCompleted
|  none
|  sidequestOrchardCompleted
|  none
|  skillLevel46
|  2
|  skillLevel47
|  1
|  skillLevel48
|  2
|  sortByRoom
|  true
|  spadingData
|  spiceMelangeUsed
|  false
|  spookyPuttyCopiesMade
|  0
|  spookyPuttyMonster
|  stationaryButton1
|  stationaryButton2
|  stationaryButton3
|  stationaryButton4
|  stationaryButton5
|  styxPixieVisited
|  false
|  tavernLayout
|  0000000000000000000000000
|  telescope1
|  telescope2
|  telescope3
|  telescope4
|  telescope5
|  telescope6
|  telescope7
|  telescopeLookedHigh
|  false
|  telescopeUpgrades
|  0
|  tempuraSummons
|  0
|  thanksMessage
|  Thank you for the donation!
|  timesRested
|  99
|  tomeSummons
|  0
|  trapperOre
|  chrome ore
|  usable1HWeapons
|  3
|  usable1xAccs
|  1
|  usable2HWeapons
|  1
|  usable3HWeapons
|  1
|  usableAccessories
|  3
|  usableHats
|  2
|  usableOffhands
|  1
|  usableOther
|  1
|  usablePants
|  1
|  usableShirts
|  1
|  violetFogGoal
|  0
|  violetFogLayout
|  warProgress
|  unstarted
|  welcomeBackAdv
|  0
|  _absintheDrops
|  0
|  _aguaDrops
|  0
|  _astralDrops
|  0
|  _banderRunaways
|  0
|  _cameraUsed
|  false
|  _gongDrops
|  0
|  _hotTubSoaks
|  0
|  _navelRunaways
|  0
|  _sealsSummoned
|  0
|  _skateBuff1
|  false
|  lutz
|  _skateBuff2
|  false
|  comet
|  _skateBuff3
|  false
|  band shell
|  _skateBuff4
|  false
|  skate eels
|  _skateBuff5
|  false
|  merry-go-round
|  _userMods
|  choiceAdventure2
|  2
|  choiceAdventure3
|  3
|  choiceAdventure4
|  3
|  choiceAdventure5
|  2
|  choiceAdventure6
|  1
|  choiceAdventure7
|  1
|  choiceAdventure8
|  3
|  choiceAdventure9
|  2
|  choiceAdventure10
|  1
|  choiceAdventure11
|  3
|  choiceAdventure12
|  2
|  choiceAdventure14
|  4
|  choiceAdventure15
|  4
|  choiceAdventure16
|  4
|  choiceAdventure17
|  4
|  choiceAdventure18
|  4
|  choiceAdventure19
|  4
|  choiceAdventure20
|  4
|  choiceAdventure21
|  2
|  choiceAdventure22
|  4
|  choiceAdventure23
|  4
|  choiceAdventure24
|  4
|  choiceAdventure25
|  2
|  choiceAdventure26
|  2
|  choiceAdventure27
|  2
|  choiceAdventure28
|  2
|  choiceAdventure29
|  2
|  choiceAdventure40
|  3
|  choiceAdventure41
|  3
|  choiceAdventure42
|  3
|  choiceAdventure45
|  1
|  choiceAdventure46
|  3
|  choiceAdventure47
|  2
|  choiceAdventure71
|  1
|  choiceAdventure72
|  2
|  choiceAdventure73
|  2
|  choiceAdventure74
|  2
|  choiceAdventure75
|  3
|  choiceAdventure76
|  3
|  choiceAdventure77
|  2
|  choiceAdventure78
|  1
|  choiceAdventure79
|  1
|  choiceAdventure80
|  99
|  choiceAdventure81
|  1
|  choiceAdventure82
|  1
|  choiceAdventure83
|  1
|  choiceAdventure84
|  2
|  choiceAdventure85
|  1
|  choiceAdventure86
|  2
|  choiceAdventure87
|  2
|  choiceAdventure88
|  1
|  choiceAdventure89
|  3
|  choiceAdventure90
|  2
|  choiceAdventure91
|  1
|  choiceAdventure105
|  3
|  choiceAdventure106
|  4
|  choiceAdventure107
|  4
|  choiceAdventure108
|  4
|  choiceAdventure109
|  1
|  choiceAdventure110
|  4
|  choiceAdventure111
|  3
|  choiceAdventure112
|  1
|  choiceAdventure113
|  2
|  choiceAdventure114
|  2
|  choiceAdventure115
|  1
|  choiceAdventure116
|  4
|  choiceAdventure117
|  1
|  choiceAdventure118
|  2
|  choiceAdventure120
|  4
|  choiceAdventure123
|  2
|  choiceAdventure125
|  3
|  choiceAdventure126
|  1
|  choiceAdventure127
|  3
|  choiceAdventure129
|  1
|  choiceAdventure130
|  1
|  choiceAdventure131
|  1
|  choiceAdventure132
|  2
|  choiceAdventure134
|  2
|  choiceAdventure135
|  2
|  choiceAdventure136
|  4
|  choiceAdventure137
|  4
|  choiceAdventure138
|  4
|  choiceAdventure139
|  1
|  choiceAdventure140
|  2
|  choiceAdventure141
|  1
|  choiceAdventure142
|  3
|  choiceAdventure143
|  1
|  choiceAdventure144
|  1
|  choiceAdventure145
|  1
|  choiceAdventure146
|  3
|  choiceAdventure147
|  3
|  choiceAdventure148
|  1
|  choiceAdventure149
|  2
|  choiceAdventure151
|  2
|  choiceAdventure152
|  1
|  choiceAdventure153
|  4
|  choiceAdventure154
|  1
|  choiceAdventure155
|  4
|  choiceAdventure156
|  1
|  choiceAdventure157
|  4
|  choiceAdventure158
|  1
|  choiceAdventure159
|  4
|  choiceAdventure160
|  1
|  choiceAdventure161
|  4
|  choiceAdventure162
|  1
|  choiceAdventure163
|  1
|  choiceAdventure164
|  2
|  choiceAdventure165
|  2
|  choiceAdventure166
|  3
|  choiceAdventure167
|  3
|  choiceAdventure168
|  3
|  choiceAdventure169
|  3
|  choiceAdventure170
|  1
|  choiceAdventure171
|  3
|  choiceAdventure172
|  1
|  choiceAdventure177
|  4
|  choiceAdventure178
|  1
|  choiceAdventure180
|  1
|  choiceAdventure181
|  1
|  choiceAdventure182
|  1
|  choiceAdventure184
|  1
|  choiceAdventure185
|  3
|  choiceAdventure186
|  1
|  choiceAdventure188
|  0
|  choiceAdventure189
|  1
|  choiceAdventure191
|  1
|  choiceAdventure197
|  1
|  choiceAdventure198
|  1
|  choiceAdventure199
|  1
|  choiceAdventure200
|  0
|  choiceAdventure201
|  0
|  choiceAdventure202
|  0
|  choiceAdventure203
|  0
|  choiceAdventure204
|  0
|  choiceAdventure205
|  0
|  choiceAdventure206
|  0
|  choiceAdventure207
|  2
|  choiceAdventure208
|  2
|  choiceAdventure213
|  2
|  choiceAdventure214
|  2
|  choiceAdventure215
|  3
|  choiceAdventure216
|  2
|  choiceAdventure217
|  3
|  choiceAdventure218
|  1
|  choiceAdventure219
|  2
|  choiceAdventure220
|  2
|  choiceAdventure221
|  1
|  choiceAdventure222
|  1
|  choiceAdventure223
|  0
|  choiceAdventure224
|  2
|  choiceAdventure225
|  0
|  choiceAdventure272
|  2
|  choiceAdventure273
|  3
|  choiceAdventure276
|  0
|  choiceAdventure277
|  1
|  choiceAdventure278
|  0
|  choiceAdventure279
|  0
|  choiceAdventure280
|  0
|  choiceAdventure281
|  0
|  choiceAdventure282
|  0
|  choiceAdventure283
|  0
|  choiceAdventure284
|  0
|  choiceAdventure286
|  0
|  choiceAdventure287
|  0
|  choiceAdventure288
|  0
|  choiceAdventure289
|  0
|  choiceAdventure290
|  0
|  choiceAdventure291
|  0
|  choiceAdventure292
|  0
|  choiceAdventure293
|  0
|  choiceAdventure294
|  0
|  choiceAdventure295
|  0
|  choiceAdventure296
|  1
|  choiceAdventure297
|  2
|  choiceAdventure298
|  1
|  choiceAdventure299
|  1
|  choiceAdventure303
|  1
|  choiceAdventure304
|  1
|  choiceAdventure305
|  1
|  choiceAdventure306
|  1
|  choiceAdventure307
|  1
|  choiceAdventure308
|  1
|  choiceAdventure309
|  1
|  choiceAdventure310
|  0
|  choiceAdventure311
|  0
|  choiceAdventure317
|  1
|  choiceAdventure318
|  1
|  choiceAdventure319
|  1
|  choiceAdventure320
|  1
|  choiceAdventure321
|  1
|  choiceAdventure322
|  1
|  choiceAdventure326
|  0
|  choiceAdventure327
|  1
|  choiceAdventure328
|  1
|  choiceAdventure329
|  1
|  choiceAdventure330
|  2
|  choiceAdventure331
|  1
|  choiceAdventure332
|  1
|  choiceAdventure333
|  1
|  choiceAdventure334
|  1
|  choiceAdventure335
|  1
|  choiceAdventure336
|  1
|  choiceAdventure337
|  0
|  choiceAdventure338
|  1
|  choiceAdventure339
|  1
|  choiceAdventure340
|  1
|  choiceAdventure341
|  1
|  choiceAdventure342
|  1
|  choiceAdventure343
|  1
|  choiceAdventure344
|  1
|  choiceAdventure345
|  1
|  choiceAdventure346
|  1
|  choiceAdventure347
|  1
|  choiceAdventure348
|  1
|  choiceAdventure349
|  0
|  choiceAdventure350
|  0
|  choiceAdventure351
|  1
|  choiceAdventure352
|  0
|  choiceAdventure353
|  0
|  choiceAdventure354
|  0
|  choiceAdventure355
|  0
|  choiceAdventure353
|  0
|  choiceAdventure354
|  0
|  choiceAdventure355
|  0
|  choiceAdventure353
|  0
|  choiceAdventure354
|  0
|  choiceAdventure355
|  0
|  choiceAdventure356
|  0
|  choiceAdventure357
|  0
|  choiceAdventure358
|  0
|  choiceAdventure361
|  0
|  choiceAdventure362
|  0
|  choiceAdventure363
|  0
|  choiceAdventure364
|  2
|  choiceAdventure365
|  2
|  choiceAdventure387
|  1
|  choiceAdventure388
|  1
|  choiceAdventure389
|  1
|  choiceAdventure390
|  1
|  choiceAdventure391
|  1
|  choiceAdventure392
|  0
|  choiceAdventure393
|  0
|  choiceAdventure395
|  1
|  unknownRecipe3542
|  true
|  unknownRecipe3543
|  true
|  unknownRecipe3544
|  true
|  unknownRecipe3545
|  true
|  unknownRecipe3546
|  true
|  unknownRecipe3547
|  true
|  unknownRecipe3548
|  true
|  unknownRecipe3749
|  true
|  unknownRecipe3751
|  true
|  unknownRecipe4172
|  true
|  unknownRecipe4173
|  true
|  unknownRecipe4174
|  true

Revision as of 01:49, 9 May 2010

Part 11 - KoLmafia Properties

In addition to affecting gameplay directly through ASH functions and CLI commands, scripters also have the ability to control certain core behaviors of KoLmafia through direct modification of the preferences file. In addition, scripters can also create variables that will survive across sessions.

To see all of the pre-defined variables that exist, look in the “settings” subfolder wherever you keep the KoLmafia executable and open up any of the prefs_<character name>.txt and GLOBAL_prefs.txt files named for your characters. This guide will not attempt to describe all of the variables that are there: many are uninteresting from the player’s point of view and others are too unwieldy to be properly set at the moment. Of those that are interesting and accessible, the functionality can be divided into three main sections:

Choice Adventures

There is a large and ever-growing number of settings for choice adventures, all with the name choiceAdventureX (X is the number of the adventure). These settings control all of the non-combat adventures that give you a choice of outcomes. In the GUI, you can view and set these options in the Choices tab of the Preferences window, but you can also read and write the values from ASH using get_property() and set_property().

Each choiceAdventure is set to a number, which corresponds to which choice you want to make from the available options in KoL (or in the GUI, in the case that mafia provides more options than KoL). According to Holatuwol (here), the settings map to "X=pick the Xth Option" and "X+1=pick an item you don't have" (i.e., complete the outfit).

For a complete (and very useful) list of choice adventures, consult this page of the KoL Wiki.

Optionally, you can figure out the correct numeric value by logging in to KoLmafia, using the Preferences Window to set the value to what you want, exiting KoLmafia, and then checking your character’s settings file (yourname_prefs.txt) to see the value that was set for the appropriate key.

Other KoLmafia-based preferences

This is going to be a limited survey of the more interesting of the settings that you can control.

battleAction - This specifies the strategy that you will use in battle. The sorts of values that you might select here are “attack” for normal attacking, “custom” to use the Custom Combat Scripts, “item dictionary” when you’re adventuring in the Valley beyond Orc Chasm, or “skill thrust smack” to use TS during the entire battle.

hpAutoRecovery - This is a float value that specifies the percentage of your HP at which the autohealer kicks in. I haven’t tried it, but I think you’d be generally unhappy if you set it to something other than a multiple of 0.1.

hpAutoRecoveryTarget - A companion to the above, this is the target that the autohealer will aspire to achieve.

As before, feel free to peruse the .kcs file to see all of the values. The names aren’t very subtle, so you should be able to guess what they’re all for.

For a complete list, see List of KoLmafia Properties.

User-defined variables

In addition to setting the variables that KoLmafia predefines, you can also create any others to cover any information you wish. As you do so, keep in mind that while you can clear a variable’s value to the null string, there is currently no way to delete a key (aside from editing the .txt file in the text processor of your choice and deleting the line that contains the key).

This is a list of all the Property variables included in KoLmafia. It was automatically generated from r7582. Note that, however, the latest (and most up-to-date) data is located in Mafia's internally-stored datafile defaults.txt (available for viewing at https://kolmafia.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/kolmafia/src/data/defaults.txt).

Global Variables

Variable Name Default Value Notes
addChatCommandLine false
addCreationQueue true
addStatusBarToFrames false
allowCloseableDesktopTabs false
allowNegativeTally true
allowNonMoodBurning true
alwaysGetBreakfast false
allowSocketTimeout true
autoHighlightOnFocus true
autoPlantHardcore false
autoPlantSoftcore false
autoSatisfyWithCloset true
autoSatisfyWithMall true
autoSatisfyWithNPCs true
autoSatisfyWithStash false
breakfastHardcore Advanced Saucecrafting,Pastamastery,Advanced Cocktailcrafting
breakfastSoftcore Advanced Saucecrafting,Pastamastery,Advanced Cocktailcrafting
cacheMallSearches false
charsheetDropdown 1
chatLinksUseRelay false
chatStyle 0
cloverProtectActive true
connectViaAddress false
copyAsHTML false
createHackerSummons true
customizedTabs false
debugPathnames true
defaultBorderColor blue
defaultDropdown1 0
defaultDropdown2 1
defaultDropdownSplit 0
defaultLimit 5
defaultLoginServer 1
eSoluScriptType 0
grabCloversHardcore false
grabCloversSoftcore true
greenScreenProtection false
grimoireSkillsHardcore none
grimoireSkillsSoftcore Summon Hilarious Objects
guiUsesOneWindow false
hideServerDebugText false
initialDesktop AdventureFrame,CommandDisplayFrame,MallSearchFrame,GearChangeFrame,SkillBuffFrame
initialFrames RecentEventsFrame
innerChatColor #ffa98c
innerTabColor #8ca9ff
itemManagerIndex 0
lastBuffRequestType 0
lastRssUpdate 0
libramSkillsHardcore none
libramSkillsSoftcore none
logAcquiredItems true
logBattleAction true
logBrowserInteractions false
logChatMessages true
logDecoratedResponses false
logFamiliarActions false
logGainMessages true
logReadableHTML false
loginRecoveryHardcore false
loginRecoverySoftcore true
loginWindowLogo lantern.jpg
logMonsterHealth false
logReverseOrder false
logStatGains true
logStatusEffects false
logStatusOnLogin false
mementoListActive false
mergeHobopolisChat false
outerChatColor #b4460f
outerTabColor #0f46b4
pathedSummonsHardcore true
pathedSummonsSoftcore false
previousNotifyList <>
protectAgainstOverdrink true
proxySet false
readManualHardcore true
readManualSoftcore true
relayAddsCustomCombat true
relayAddsGraphicalCLI false
relayAddsKoLSimulator false
relayAddsQuickScripts false
relayAddsRestoreLinks true
relayAddsRoundNumber false
relayAddsUpArrowLinks true
relayAddsUseLinks true
relayAddsWikiLinks false
relayAllowsOverrides false
relayBrowserOnly false
relayBrowserOnly false
relayFormatsChatText true
relayHidesJunkMallItems true
relayMaintainsEffects false
relayMaintainsHealth true
relayMaintainsMana false
relayTextualizesEffects false
relayTrimsZapList true
relayUsesCachedImages false
relayUsesInlineLinks false
relayUsesIntegratedChat false
relayViewsCustomItems false
removeMalignantEffects true
saveSettingsOnSet true
scriptButtonPosition 0
scriptList restore mp
showAllRequests false
stealthLogin true
switchEquipmentForBuffs true
tomeSkillsHardcore Summon Snowcone
tomeSkillsSoftcore Summon Snowcone
toolbarPosition 1
useChatMonitor false
useChatToolbar true
useContactsFrame true
useCrimboToysHardcore false
useCrimboToysSoftcore true
useLastUserAgent false
useSeparateChannels true
useShinyTabbedChat true
useSystemTrayIcon false
useTabbedChatFrame true
useToolbars true
useZoneComboBox false
visitLoungeHardcore true
visitLoungeSoftcore true
visitRumpusHardcore true
visitRumpusSoftcore true

Per-Account Variables

Variable Name Default Value Notes
autoAbortThreshold -0.05
autoAntidote 0
autoBuyPriceLimit 20000
autoEntangle false
autoManaRestore true
autoPotionID false
autoRepairBoxServants true
autoSphereID false
autoSteal true
autostartGalaktikQuest true
availableDimes 0
availableLucre 0
availableQuarters 0
availableSandDollars 0
barrelGoal 1
barrelLayout ?????????
basementMallPrices 1
battleAction attack with weapon
birdformCold 0
birdformHot 0
birdformRoc 0
birdformSleaze 0
birdformSpooky 0
birdformStench 0
blackPuddingsDefeated 0
breakfastCompleted false
buffBotMessageDisposal 0
buffBotPhilanthropyType 1
burrowgrubHiveUsed false
burrowgrubSummonsRemaining 0
cellarLayout 0
chatbotScriptExecuted false
clanAttacksEnabled false
cocktailSummons 0
concertVisited false
currentBountyItem 0
currentFullness 0
currentHippyStore none
currentMojoFilters 0
currentMood default
currentNunneryMeat 0
currentSpleenUse 0
currentWheelPosition muscle
customCombatScript default
dailyDungeonDone false
defaultAutoAttack 0
demonName6 Tatter
demonName7 Ak'gyxoth
demonSummoned false
expressCardUsed false
extraRolloverAdventures 0
flyeredML 0
fratboysDefeated 0
friarsBlessingReceived false
gongPath 0
gourdItemCount 5
grimoire1Summons 0
grimoire2Summons 0
guyMadeOfBeesCount 0
guyMadeOfBeesDefeated false
hiddenCityLayout 0000000000000000000000000
hiddenCitySquare 0
hippiesDefeated 0
hpAutoRecovery -0.05
hpAutoRecoveryItems cannelloni cocoon;scroll of drastic healing;tongue of the walrus;lasagna bandages;doc galaktik's ailment ointment
hpAutoRecoveryTarget 1.0
invalidBuffMessage You sent an amount which does not correspond to a valid buff amount.
kingLiberated false
knownAscensions -1
lastBarrelSmashed 0
lastBangPotionReset -1
lastBarrelSmashed 0
lastBattlefieldReset -1
lastBreakfast -1
lastCellarReset -1
lastCouncilVisit 0
lastCounterDay -1
lastDustyBottleReset -1
lastDwarfDigitRunes -------
lastDwarfFactoryReset -1
lastEVHelmetValue 0
lastEVHelmetReset -1
lastEmptiedStorage -1
lastFilthClearance -1
lastGalleryUnlock -1
lastGuildStoreOpen -1
lastGuyMadeOfBeesReset -1
lastHiddenCityAscension 0
lastFratboyCall -1
lastHippyCall -1
lastKingLiberation -1
lastLouvreMap 0
lastMiningReset -1
lastPaperStripReset -1
lastPastamancerGhostReset -1
lastPirateEphemeraReset -1
lastPirateInsult1 false
lastPirateInsult2 false
lastPirateInsult3 false
lastPirateInsult4 false
lastPirateInsult5 false
lastPirateInsult6 false
lastPirateInsult7 false
lastPirateInsult8 false
lastPirateInsultReset -1
lastPyramidReset -1
lastQuartetAscension -1
lastQuartetRequest 0
lastSecondFloorUnlock -1
lastSemirareReset -1
lastStoneSphereReset -1
lastTavernAscension 0
lastTavernSquare 0
lastTelescopeReset -1
lastTowerClimb -1
lastVioletFogMap 0
lastZapperWand 0
libramSummons 0
libraryCardUsed false
louvreDesiredGoal 7
louvreGoal 0
luckySewerAdventure stolen accordion
manaBurnSummonThreshold 10
manaBurningThreshold -0.05
moleTunnelLevel 0
mpAutoRecovery 0.0
mpAutoRecoveryItems phonics down;knob goblin superseltzer;mountain stream soda;magical mystery juice;knob goblin seltzer;cherry cloaca cola;soda water
mpAutoRecoveryTarget 0.3
munchiesPillsUsed 0
noodleSummons 0
nunsVisits 0
oceanAction savecontinue
oceanDestination manual
olfactedMonster unknown
oscusSodaUsed false
outrageousSombreroUsed false
pastamancerGhostExperience 0
pastamancerGhostSummons 0
plantingDay -1
prismaticSummons 0
pyramidPosition 0
pyramidBombUsed false
rageGlandVented false
reagentSummons 0
recentLocations 5
requireBoxServants false
requireSewerTestItems false
retrieveContacts true
seaodesFound 0
semirareCounter 0
serverAddsCustomCombat false
setAutoAttack true
showGainsPerUnit false
sideDefeated neither
sidequestArenaCompleted none
sidequestFarmCompleted none
sidequestJunkyardCompleted none
sidequestLighthouseCompleted none
sidequestNunsCompleted none
sidequestOrchardCompleted none
skillLevel46 2
skillLevel47 1
skillLevel48 2
sortByRoom true
spiceMelangeUsed false
spookyPuttyCopiesMade 0
styxPixieVisited false
tavernLayout 0000000000000000000000000
telescopeLookedHigh false
telescopeUpgrades 0
tempuraSummons 0
thanksMessage Thank you for the donation!
timesRested 99
tomeSummons 0
trapperOre chrome ore
usable1HWeapons 3
usable1xAccs 1
usable2HWeapons 1
usable3HWeapons 1
usableAccessories 3
usableHats 2
usableOffhands 1
usableOther 1
usablePants 1
usableShirts 1
violetFogGoal 0
warProgress unstarted
welcomeBackAdv 0
_absintheDrops 0
_aguaDrops 0
_astralDrops 0
_banderRunaways 0
_cameraUsed false
_gongDrops 0
_hotTubSoaks 0
_navelRunaways 0
_sealsSummoned 0
_skateBuff1 false lutz
_skateBuff2 false comet
_skateBuff3 false band shell
_skateBuff4 false skate eels
_skateBuff5 false merry-go-round
choiceAdventure2 2
choiceAdventure3 3
choiceAdventure4 3
choiceAdventure5 2
choiceAdventure6 1
choiceAdventure7 1
choiceAdventure8 3
choiceAdventure9 2
choiceAdventure10 1
choiceAdventure11 3
choiceAdventure12 2
choiceAdventure14 4
choiceAdventure15 4
choiceAdventure16 4
choiceAdventure17 4
choiceAdventure18 4
choiceAdventure19 4
choiceAdventure20 4
choiceAdventure21 2
choiceAdventure22 4
choiceAdventure23 4
choiceAdventure24 4
choiceAdventure25 2
choiceAdventure26 2
choiceAdventure27 2
choiceAdventure28 2
choiceAdventure29 2
choiceAdventure40 3
choiceAdventure41 3
choiceAdventure42 3
choiceAdventure45 1
choiceAdventure46 3
choiceAdventure47 2
choiceAdventure71 1
choiceAdventure72 2
choiceAdventure73 2
choiceAdventure74 2
choiceAdventure75 3
choiceAdventure76 3
choiceAdventure77 2
choiceAdventure78 1
choiceAdventure79 1
choiceAdventure80 99
choiceAdventure81 1
choiceAdventure82 1
choiceAdventure83 1
choiceAdventure84 2
choiceAdventure85 1
choiceAdventure86 2
choiceAdventure87 2
choiceAdventure88 1
choiceAdventure89 3
choiceAdventure90 2
choiceAdventure91 1
choiceAdventure105 3
choiceAdventure106 4
choiceAdventure107 4
choiceAdventure108 4
choiceAdventure109 1
choiceAdventure110 4
choiceAdventure111 3
choiceAdventure112 1
choiceAdventure113 2
choiceAdventure114 2
choiceAdventure115 1
choiceAdventure116 4
choiceAdventure117 1
choiceAdventure118 2
choiceAdventure120 4
choiceAdventure123 2
choiceAdventure125 3
choiceAdventure126 1
choiceAdventure127 3
choiceAdventure129 1
choiceAdventure130 1
choiceAdventure131 1
choiceAdventure132 2
choiceAdventure134 2
choiceAdventure135 2
choiceAdventure136 4
choiceAdventure137 4
choiceAdventure138 4
choiceAdventure139 1
choiceAdventure140 2
choiceAdventure141 1
choiceAdventure142 3
choiceAdventure143 1
choiceAdventure144 1
choiceAdventure145 1
choiceAdventure146 3
choiceAdventure147 3
choiceAdventure148 1
choiceAdventure149 2
choiceAdventure151 2
choiceAdventure152 1
choiceAdventure153 4
choiceAdventure154 1
choiceAdventure155 4
choiceAdventure156 1
choiceAdventure157 4
choiceAdventure158 1
choiceAdventure159 4
choiceAdventure160 1
choiceAdventure161 4
choiceAdventure162 1
choiceAdventure163 1
choiceAdventure164 2
choiceAdventure165 2
choiceAdventure166 3
choiceAdventure167 3
choiceAdventure168 3
choiceAdventure169 3
choiceAdventure170 1
choiceAdventure171 3
choiceAdventure172 1
choiceAdventure177 4
choiceAdventure178 1
choiceAdventure180 1
choiceAdventure181 1
choiceAdventure182 1
choiceAdventure184 1
choiceAdventure185 3
choiceAdventure186 1
choiceAdventure188 0
choiceAdventure189 1
choiceAdventure191 1
choiceAdventure197 1
choiceAdventure198 1
choiceAdventure199 1
choiceAdventure200 0
choiceAdventure201 0
choiceAdventure202 0
choiceAdventure203 0
choiceAdventure204 0
choiceAdventure205 0
choiceAdventure206 0
choiceAdventure207 2
choiceAdventure208 2
choiceAdventure213 2
choiceAdventure214 2
choiceAdventure215 3
choiceAdventure216 2
choiceAdventure217 3
choiceAdventure218 1
choiceAdventure219 2
choiceAdventure220 2
choiceAdventure221 1
choiceAdventure222 1
choiceAdventure223 0
choiceAdventure224 2
choiceAdventure225 0
choiceAdventure272 2
choiceAdventure273 3
choiceAdventure276 0
choiceAdventure277 1
choiceAdventure278 0
choiceAdventure279 0
choiceAdventure280 0
choiceAdventure281 0
choiceAdventure282 0
choiceAdventure283 0
choiceAdventure284 0
choiceAdventure286 0
choiceAdventure287 0
choiceAdventure288 0
choiceAdventure289 0
choiceAdventure290 0
choiceAdventure291 0
choiceAdventure292 0
choiceAdventure293 0
choiceAdventure294 0
choiceAdventure295 0
choiceAdventure296 1
choiceAdventure297 2
choiceAdventure298 1
choiceAdventure299 1
choiceAdventure303 1
choiceAdventure304 1
choiceAdventure305 1
choiceAdventure306 1
choiceAdventure307 1
choiceAdventure308 1
choiceAdventure309 1
choiceAdventure310 0
choiceAdventure311 0
choiceAdventure317 1
choiceAdventure318 1
choiceAdventure319 1
choiceAdventure320 1
choiceAdventure321 1
choiceAdventure322 1
choiceAdventure326 0
choiceAdventure327 1
choiceAdventure328 1
choiceAdventure329 1
choiceAdventure330 2
choiceAdventure331 1
choiceAdventure332 1
choiceAdventure333 1
choiceAdventure334 1
choiceAdventure335 1
choiceAdventure336 1
choiceAdventure337 0
choiceAdventure338 1
choiceAdventure339 1
choiceAdventure340 1
choiceAdventure341 1
choiceAdventure342 1
choiceAdventure343 1
choiceAdventure344 1
choiceAdventure345 1
choiceAdventure346 1
choiceAdventure347 1
choiceAdventure348 1
choiceAdventure349 0
choiceAdventure350 0
choiceAdventure351 1
choiceAdventure352 0
choiceAdventure353 0
choiceAdventure354 0
choiceAdventure355 0
choiceAdventure353 0
choiceAdventure354 0
choiceAdventure355 0
choiceAdventure353 0
choiceAdventure354 0
choiceAdventure355 0
choiceAdventure356 0
choiceAdventure357 0
choiceAdventure358 0
choiceAdventure361 0
choiceAdventure362 0
choiceAdventure363 0
choiceAdventure364 2
choiceAdventure365 2
choiceAdventure387 1
choiceAdventure388 1
choiceAdventure389 1
choiceAdventure390 1
choiceAdventure391 1
choiceAdventure392 0
choiceAdventure393 0
choiceAdventure395 1
unknownRecipe3542 true
unknownRecipe3543 true
unknownRecipe3544 true
unknownRecipe3545 true
unknownRecipe3546 true
unknownRecipe3547 true
unknownRecipe3548 true
unknownRecipe3749 true
unknownRecipe3751 true
unknownRecipe4172 true
unknownRecipe4173 true
unknownRecipe4174 true

See Also

get_property() | set_property()