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Mathematical Operators

The following operators are used in KoLmafia:

+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
 % Modulo

Relational Operators

To follow these examples, a basic understanding of the concepts found on Control Structures would be helpful.

In order to create more complex if statements, we need to understand the basic relational operators:

== equal to
 != not equal to
< less than
> greater than
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to

The variable (or function results) on the right must be of the same type as is on the left. The exception to this is integer and float in which you can test an integer against a float. See (ASHRM) Datatype Conversions for methods allowing cross type checking.

 if(true == true)
   print("this line gets printed");
 if(false == true)
   print("this line never gets printed");
 if(1 == 1)
   print("this line gets printed");
 if(1 == 2)
   print("this line never gets printed");

Boolean Operators

We also need to understand Basic Boolean operators. These only work with boolean:

Boolean operators

 if(true && true)
   print("this line gets printed because both possibilities proved true");
 if(false && true)
   print("this line never gets printed");
 if(false || true)
   print("This line gets printed because 1 of the possibilities was true");
   print("This line gets printed because the not operator converted false to true.");

We also need to understand operator precedence. Statements inside a () pair are always evaluated first, then from left to right.

 if(true || false && true)
   print("This line gets printed");
   //true or false is true
   //true(from true or false) and true equals true
 if(true && (false && true))
   print("this line never gets printed");
   //false && true is inside () so it's first and evaluates to false
   //true && false(from true && false) is false
 if(true && !(false && true))
   print("This line gets printed");
   //false && true is inside () so it's first and evaluates to false
   //the ! operator converts the false (from (true && false)) to true
   //true && true(from !(true && false)) is true

Using else we can have a code block which executes when the if statement evaluates to true, and another code block which executes when the if statement evaluates to false.

     print("this line never gets printed");
     print("this line gets printed"); 

We also need to understand nesting if statements.

     print("this line gets printed");
     print("this line never gets printed"); 
   print("this line gets printed also");
     print("this line never gets printed");
     //though inside an if(true) statement, 
     //the outer if(false) stops the code from ever getting here.
     print("this line never gets printed"); 
   print("this line never gets printed");

Now you only need to put it all together as needed for your situation.