Relay Browser Functions

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For general information on how to use these functions, please see Relay Override Scripting.

void write( string )

Writes text to the relay browser.

void writeln( string )

Same as above, ending with a line break (in the page source).

string entity_encode( string )

Used for converting text that might contain special characters such as ampersands and angle brackets so that it can safely be displayed in HTML.

string entity_decode( string )

Used for retrieving text from form fields that contains special characters such as ampersands and angle brackets.

string url_encode( string )

Returns the encoded version of the source string with all non-alphanumeric characters replaced with the standard URI-encoded escape sequences.

string url_decode( string )

Returns the "normal" version of the source string with all URI-encoded escape sequences replaced with non-alphanumeric characters.

string form_field( string )

Returns the "value" attribute of a previously-submitted input tag.

string [string] form_fields()

As above, but returned as a map of all values keyed by input names.

string get_path_full()

Returns the full URL that was submitted.

string get_path()

Returns just the page name of the URL that was submitted.

string get_path_variables()

Returns just the variables after the "?" in the URL that was submitted.