Equipment Commands
boolean equip( [slot], item )
Equips the specified item and reports success.
Returns the item equipped in the specified slot.
boolean have_equipped( item )
Reports if the specified item is currently equipped by your character.
boolean can_equip( item )
Tells if you meet the requirements for equipping the given item (regardless of its availability).
Reports how many weapon-hand slots are required for a given item (0 - 2). Off-hand items return 0.
stat weapon_type( item )
Returns the equip requirement stat for the specified item. If it is not a weapon, this function returns $stat[none].
boolean have_familiar( familiar )
Reports on whether you have the specified familiar either in your Terrarium or equipped.
boolean use_familiar( familiar )
Attempts to make the specified familiar your currently used one and reports success.
item familiar_equipment( familiar )
Reports the most commonly associated familiar equipment for the specified familiar.
item familiar_equipped_equipment( familiar )
Returns the item currently equipped on the specified familiar (or $item[none] if you don't have that familiar).
boolean enthrone_familiar( familiar )
Enthrones the specified familiar.
familiar my_enthroned_familiar()
Returns the familiar currently enthroned.
boolean bjornify_familiar( familiar )
Bjornifies the specified familiar.
familiar my_bjorned_familiar()
Returns the familiar currently in the Buddy Bjorn.
boolean maximize( string, boolean )
boolean maximize( string, int, int, boolean )
Checks for and optionally equips the optimal gear for any given parameters.
Outfit Commands
boolean have_outfit( string )
Reports on whether or not you're currently capable of equipping the specified (in-game or custom) outfit, based on your stats & inventory availability of all outfit pieces.
boolean outfit( string )
Attempts to wear the specified outfit and reports success.
item [int] outfit_pieces( string )
Returns an array of the items which compose an outfit.
boolean is_wearing_outfit( string )
Reports on whether or not you're wearing the specified (in-game or custom) outfit.
string [int] get_outfits()
This function returns a list of all KoL outfits that the character currently owns and can wear.
string [int] get_custom_outfits()
This function returns a list of all currently defined custom outfits.