Monster defense

From Kolmafia
Revision as of 21:30, 11 November 2010 by imported>Bale (mafia now accounts for in-combat deleveling!)
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Function Syntax

int monster_defense()

int monster_defense(monster check_me )

  • check_me is the (optional) monster to get the defense value of

Returns the defense value of the specified monster check_me. If check_me is not specified, it will use the current monster if you are in a fight (i.e. you're calling the function from an In-combat Consulting script), or the last monster you encountered otherwise.

When the function is given a monster as a parameter it will return the monster's defense at the start of a fight including all monster level modifications. This means that for monsters with unknown defense, the return value will be equivalent to monster_level_adjustment(). If the zero parameter version is called and the character is currently in a fight, then the function will include all current combat deleveling modifiers from the current combat.

See Also

monster_attack() | monster_element() | monster_hp()

More Information

For the current discussion of what's being tracked in-combat for monster level adjustments, please see this thread.


If no monster is specified and no monster has been fought in this session, this function returns 0. This is because mafia forgets the value of last_monster() when it logs out.