In-combat Consulting
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For general information on In-Combat Consulting, see Consult Scripts
buffer attack()
buffer steal()
buffer runaway()
buffer throw_item( item )
buffer throw_items( item, item )
These five functions return the html response from sending the appropriate url request for the associated action while in battle.
buffer use_skill( [int], skill )
Will loop the specified number of times using the specified skill, never reconsulting the script until the loop is complete.
element monster_element()
Returns the element that the monster is aligned with.
int monster_attack()
int monster_hp()
Returns the specified (current?) stat of the monster.
phylum monster_phylum()
Returns the phylum of the monster.
buffer get_ccs_action( int )
Returns the specified line from the CCS section appropriate for the monster currently being fought. [1]
boolean will_usually_miss()
boolean will_usually_dodge()
Returns if you will normally miss or be missed in battle.
Returns the amount of damage you are expected to take each round.
familiar my_effective_familiar()
If familiar is mutable, this is its current form.
familiar my_discomomentum()
Current value of disco momentum built up in combat by Disco Dancing as a Disco Bandit.
skill stun_skill()
Character's skill to use for stunning a monster.
element dad_sea_monkee_weakness( int )
Returns the elemental weakness of Dad Sea Monkee for a given round of combat.