To stat

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Function Syntax

stat to_stat(string convert )

When supplied a string, returns the stat that corresponds to the specified parameter convert.

Code Samples

Following example shows basic to_stat operations.

string first, second, third;

first = "mox";
second = "moxie";
third = "MuSclE";

print(first+" gives "+to_stat(first)+".", "blue");
print(second+" gives "+to_stat(second)+".", "blue");
print(third+" gives "+to_stat(third)+".", "blue");

It gives the following output.

mox gives none.
moxie gives Moxie.
MuSclE gives Muscle.

See Also

to_item() | to_skill() | to_monster()


If no match is found for convert, this function returns $stat[ none ].