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| | |title=[[KoLmafia Guide]] by SinginSally |
| | |1=[[KoLmafia Guide: Preface|Preface]] |
| | |2=[[KoLmafia Guide: Basics (Relay Browser)|Lesson 1: Basics (Relay Browser)]] |
| | |3=[[KoLmafia Guide: Java Interface|Lesson 2: Java Interface]] |
| | |4=[[KoLmafia Guide: Stats-Checking|Lesson 3: Stats-Checking]] |
| | |5=[[KoLmafia Guide: Attack Script|Lesson 4: Attack Script]] |
| | |6=[[KoLmafia Guide: Custom Combat Script|Lesson 5: Custom Combat Script]] |
| | |7=[[KoLmafia Guide: Auto-Adventuring|Lesson 6: Auto-Adventuring]] |
| | |8=[[KoLmafia Guide: Automatic HP/MP Recovery|Lesson 7: Automatic HP/MP Recovery]] |
| | |9=[[KoLmafia Guide: Goal-Oriented Adventuring|Lesson 8: Goal-Oriented Adventuring]] |
| | |10=[[KoLmafia Guide: Setting Preferences|Lesson 9: Setting Preferences]] |
| | |11=[[KoLmafia Guide: Setting Up Breakfast|Lesson 10: Setting Up Breakfast]] |
| | |12=[[KoLmafia Guide: Eating & Drinking|Lesson 11: Eating & Drinking]] |
| | |13=[[KoLmafia Guide: PvP (Beating Up People)|Lesson 12: PvP (Beating Up People)]] |
| | |14=[[KoLmafia Guide: Running ASH Scripts|Lesson 13: Running ASH Scripts]] |
| | |15=[[KoLmafia Guide: Useful Commands|Lesson 14: Useful Commands]] |
| | |16=[[KoLmafia Guide: Closing Thoughts|Lesson 15: Closing Thoughts]] |
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