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| | {{Flink|void|chat_clan|string}} |
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| | {{Flink|void|chat_clan|string|string|desc=Sends a message to clan chat.}} |
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| | {{Flink|void|chat_macro|string|desc=Submits a chat macro to KoL.}} |
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| | {{Flink|void|chat_notify|string|string|desc=Sends a notification to the player's own chat.}} |
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| | {{Flink|void|chat_private|string|string|desc=Sends a private message to another player.}} |
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| | {{Flink|boolean|is_online|string|desc=Check to see if a player is online.}} |
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| | {{Flink|boolean [string]|who_clan|desc=Returns a list of whom is in your clan and if they are in chat.}} |
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| | {{Flink|boolean|can_faxbot|monster|desc=Check to see if a monster can be faxed.}} |
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| | {{Flink|boolean|faxbot|monster|desc=Attempts to receive a fax of a given monster.}} |
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| | |
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| | {{Flink|void|disable|string|desc=Disables the specified function.}} |
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| | {{Flink|void|enable|string|desc=Enables the specified function.}} |
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| | {{Flink|buffer|load_html|string|desc=Works like visit_url(), but for debugging.}} |
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| | {{Flink|string|make_url|string|boolean|boolean|desc=Crafts the URL to visit.}} |
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| | == File Input/Output Functions == |
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| | {{FunctionEmbed|buffer_to_file|format=signature|desc=yes}} |
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| | {{FunctionEmbed|file_to_array|format=signature|desc=yes}} |
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| | {{FunctionEmbed|file_to_buffer|format=signature|desc=yes}} |
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| | {{Flink|boolean|file_to_map|string|aggregate|desc=Loads a map from a tab-delimited text file.}} |
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| | {{Flink|boolean|map_to_file|aggregate|string|desc=Saves a map to a tab-delimited text file.}} |
| <a href="http://www.azresults.com/search.php?qq=Bail Bonds Hotline" >Bail Bonds Hotline</a> <br>
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| | == gCLI Command Functions == |
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| | {{FunctionEmbed|cli_execute|format=signature|desc=yes}} |
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| | {{FunctionEmbed|cli_execute_output|format=signature|desc=yes}} |
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| | |
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| | == Map Management Functions == |
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| | ''Note: Information about maps (including creating, assigning, and removing keys, can be found at [[Data Structures#Maps|Map Data Structures]].'' |
| | |
| </div>
| | {{Flink|int|count|aggregate|desc=Returns the number of defined keys for the specified aggregate.}} |
| | {{Flink|void|clear|aggregate|desc=Removes all keys from the specified aggregate.}} |
| | |
| | == Time Functions == |
| | {{Flink|string|format_date_time|string|string|string|desc=Reformats dates.}} |
| | {{Flink|int|gameday_to_int|desc=Returns the current KoL date as an integer.}} |
| | {{Flink|string|gameday_to_string|desc=Returns the current KoL date as a string.}} |
| | {{Flink|int|gametime_to_int|desc=Returns the current KoL time in ms as an integer.}} |
| | {{Flink|string|now_to_string|string|desc=Returns current local time/date in SimpleDateFormat format.}} |
| | {{Flink|string|time_to_string|desc=Returns the current local time in HH:mm:ss z format.}} |
| | {{Flink|string|today_to_string|desc=Returns the current local day in ISO format.}} |
| | |
| | == SVN Functions == |
| | ''There is much additional information in the [[SVN Primer]]''. |
| | {{Flink|boolean|svn_exists|string|desc=Returns true if a valid working copy named projectname exists in the svn/ folder.}} |
| | {{Flink|boolean|svn_at_head|string|desc=Returns true if projectname exists, is a valid working copy, and is currently at the same revision number as the repository.}} |
| | {{Flink|record|svn_info|string|desc=Returns a record containing additional information about the given projectname: svnurl, last author, last revision, last change date.}} |
| | |
| | == User Interaction == |
| | {{Flink|void|print|string|{{opt|string}}|desc=Prints to CLI and status line of Adventuring window, optionally in a specified color.}} |
| | {{Flink|void|print_html|string|desc=Prints to CLI, parsing any included html.}} |
| | {{Flink|void|logprint|string|desc=Prints to the session log.}} |
| | {{Flink|void|wait|int}} |
| | {{Flink|void|waitq|int|desc=Sleeps for the specified number of seconds.}} |
| | {{Flink|boolean|user_confirm|string|desc=Allows user input in Y/N format.}} |
| | |
| | == Property Functions == |
| | {{Flink|boolean [string]|get_all_properties|string|boolean|desc=Returns a map of all user or global properties.}} |
| | {{FunctionEmbed|property_exists|format=signature|desc=yes}} |
| | {{FunctionEmbed|property_has_default|format=signature|desc=yes}} |
| | {{FunctionEmbed|property_default_value|format=signature|desc=yes}} |
| | {{Flink|string|get_property|string}} |
| | {{Flink|string|get_property|string|boolean|desc=Gets a global or user preference as appropriate.}} |
| | {{Flink|void|set_property|string|string|desc=Sets a global or user preference as appropriate.}} |
| | {{FunctionEmbed|remove_property|format=signature|desc=yes}} |
| | {{FunctionEmbed|rename_property|format=signature|desc=yes}} |
| | |
| | == Other Functions == |
| | {{FunctionEmbed|abort|format=signature|desc=yes}} |
| | {{FunctionEmbed|all_monsters_with_id|format=signature|desc=yes}} |
| | {{Flink|void|batch_open|desc=Used to mark the beginning of a block of functions to operate in batch mode (see page for {{f|batch_close}} for details).}} |
| | {{Flink|boolean|batch_close|desc=Used to mark the end of a block of functions to operate in batch mode (see page for details).}} |
| | {{Flink|int|get_revision|desc=Returns the current KoLmafia revision number.}} |
| | {{Flink|string|get_version|desc=Returns the most recent KoLmafia version.}} |
| | {{Flink|string|get_player_id|string|desc=Returns the user id number of a given player.}} |
| | {{FunctionEmbed|is_dark_mode|format=signature|desc=yes}} |
| | {{Flink|string|to_json|aggregate|desc=Converts a simple aggregate into JSON.}} |
| | |
| | Additional functions that are considered not really to be ash functions are available in [[Miscellaneous ASH Features#Special Syntax Functions|Misc ASH Features]] |
| | |
| | [[Category:Scripting]] |
Chat Functions
void chat_clan( string )
void chat_clan( string, string )
Sends a message to clan chat.
void chat_macro( string )
Submits a chat macro to KoL.
void chat_notify( string, string )
Sends a notification to the player's own chat.
void chat_private( string, string )
Sends a private message to another player.
boolean is_online( string )
Check to see if a player is online.
boolean [string] who_clan()
Returns a list of whom is in your clan and if they are in chat.
boolean can_faxbot( monster )
Check to see if a monster can be faxed.
boolean faxbot( monster )
Attempts to receive a fax of a given monster.
Debugging Functions
void disable( string )
Disables the specified function.
void enable( string )
Enables the specified function.
buffer load_html( string )
Works like visit_url(), but for debugging.
string make_url( string, boolean, boolean )
Crafts the URL to visit.
File Input/Output Functions
boolean buffer_to_file( buffer, string )
- Saves a buffer to a text file. Returns
on success, false
on failure.
string [int] file_to_array( string )
- Reads data from a text file and returns a map of strings containing each line.
buffer file_to_buffer( string )
- Loads the entire contents of a text file into a buffer.
boolean file_to_map( string, aggregate )
Loads a map from a tab-delimited text file.
boolean map_to_file( aggregate, string )
Saves a map to a tab-delimited text file.
gCLI Command Functions
boolean cli_execute( string )
- Executes a string as a gCLI command. Returns
on success, false
on failure.
string cli_execute_output( string )
- Executes a gCLI command, capturing and returning the gCLI output.
Map Management Functions
Note: Information about maps (including creating, assigning, and removing keys, can be found at Map Data Structures.
int count( aggregate )
Returns the number of defined keys for the specified aggregate.
void clear( aggregate )
Removes all keys from the specified aggregate.
Time Functions
string format_date_time( string, string, string )
Reformats dates.
int gameday_to_int()
Returns the current KoL date as an integer.
string gameday_to_string()
Returns the current KoL date as a string.
int gametime_to_int()
Returns the current KoL time in ms as an integer.
string now_to_string( string )
Returns current local time/date in SimpleDateFormat format.
string time_to_string()
Returns the current local time in HH:mm:ss z format.
string today_to_string()
Returns the current local day in ISO format.
SVN Functions
There is much additional information in the SVN Primer.
boolean svn_exists( string )
Returns true if a valid working copy named projectname exists in the svn/ folder.
boolean svn_at_head( string )
Returns true if projectname exists, is a valid working copy, and is currently at the same revision number as the repository.
record svn_info( string )
Returns a record containing additional information about the given projectname: svnurl, last author, last revision, last change date.
User Interaction
void print( string, [string] )
Prints to CLI and status line of Adventuring window, optionally in a specified color.
void print_html( string )
Prints to CLI, parsing any included html.
void logprint( string )
Prints to the session log.
void wait( int )
void waitq( int )
Sleeps for the specified number of seconds.
boolean user_confirm( string )
Allows user input in Y/N format.
Property Functions
boolean [string] get_all_properties( string, boolean )
Returns a map of all user or global properties.
boolean property_exists( string, boolean? )
- Checks whether a property exists.
boolean property_has_default( string )
- Checks if a property has a built-in default value.
string property_default_value( string )
- Returns the default value of a property, or an empty string if a default value does not exist.
string get_property( string )
string get_property( string, boolean )
Gets a global or user preference as appropriate.
void set_property( string, string )
Sets a global or user preference as appropriate.
string remove_property( string, boolean? )
- Removes or resets a property and returns its previous value.
boolean rename_property( string, string )
- Renames a property. Returns
on success, false
on failure.
Other Functions
void abort( string? )
- Immediately halts the current script and all queued functions.
boolean [monster] all_monsters_with_id()
- Returns a map of all monsters that have a non-zero monster ID.
void batch_open()
Used to mark the beginning of a block of functions to operate in batch mode (see page for
for details).
boolean batch_close()
Used to mark the end of a block of functions to operate in batch mode (see page for details).
int get_revision()
Returns the current KoLmafia revision number.
string get_version()
Returns the most recent KoLmafia version.
string get_player_id( string )
Returns the user id number of a given player.
boolean is_dark_mode()
- Checks if the current KoLmafia theme is dark mode.
string to_json( aggregate )
Converts a simple aggregate into JSON.
Additional functions that are considered not really to be ash functions are available in Misc ASH Features