Your Character

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The Basics

We'll start with a long look in the mirror. Here's how to tell about you.

string my_name()

Returns your character's name in lowercase.

string my_id()

Returns your character ID.

class my_class()

Returns your class. (Sample: Seltzer)

int my_level()

Returns your level. (Sample: Battlefield_gather)

int my_adventures()

Returns the number of adventures you have remaining. (Sample: Hedging)

int my_turncount()

Returns the number of adventures used this ascension.

int my_inebriety()

Returns your current drunkenness.

int inebriety_limit()

Returns your maximum safe drunk (before overdrinking).

int my_spleen_use()

Returns your current spleen use.

int spleen_limit()

Returns your spleen limit.

int my_fullness()

Returns how full you are.

int fullness_limit()

Returns your maximum fullness.

boolean can_eat()

Reports on whether your characters path allows food consumption.

boolean can_drink()

Reports on whether your characters path allows booze consumption

boolean can_interact()

Reports on whether your character can access the mall, gift packages, etc.

boolean in_hardcore()

Reports on whether your character is under Hardcore restrictions.

Basic Stats

stat my_primestat()

Returns the main stat of your current class. (Sample: Seltzer)

boolean in_moxie_sign()

boolean in_muscle_sign()

boolean in_mysticality_sign()

boolean in_bad_moon()

These four functions report on whether your character is ascended under the appropriate sign.

int my_hp()

Returns your current HP.

int my_mp()

Returns your current MP.

int my_maxhp()

Returns your current maximum HP.

int my_maxmp()

Returns your current maximum MP.

int my_basestat()

Returns your base value in the given stat (or substat).

int my_buffedstat()

Returns your buffed value in the given stat (or substat).

int current_mcd()

Returns the current setting of your sign-specific +ML device.

boolean change_mcd( int )

Tries to set your +ML device to a specified setting and reports on success.

stat stat_bonus_today()

stat stat_bonus_tomorrow()

These two functions report on what stat has a stat-day bonus or $stat[none] if it isn't a stat day.

More Advanced Stats

stat current_hit_stat() - returns the stat that is currently used to calculate hit percentages.
int buffed_hit_stat() - returns the current buffed value of your hit stat. Identical to my_buffedstat(current_hit_stat()).

int raw_damage_absorption() - returns the total DA of all your gear and effects.
float damage_absorption_percent() - returns the percentage of damage that is blocked by all your gear and effects.
int damage_reduction() - returns the amount of damage deducted from successful attacks due to the DR of your gear and effects.

float elemental_resistance( element elem ) - returns the percentage of damage reduction from the indicated elemental damage.

float combat_rate_modifier() - returns the adjustment to your percentage of combat adventures.
float initiative_modifier() - returns the adjustment to your chance of winning initiative in battle.
float experience_bonus() - returns the amount of bonus experience you receive.
float meat_drop_modifier() - returns the adjustment to your amount of meat dropped.
float item_drop_modifier() - returns the adjustment to your percentage of item drops.

int monster_level_adjustment() - returns your total +ML (including the MCD).